Bookmarks of the following user: Mgr. Lukáš Bauer, učo 179224 with the tag: imported UmeniRealita
Bookmarks of the following user: Mgr. Lukáš Bauer, učo 179224 with the tag: imported UmeniRealita
- Eyeteeth: A journal of incisive ideas.: Gaming McDonalds: RTMark & Abrupt Social Change 1 user, first 24/9/2008, Lukáš Bauer, bookmarks, people
Internationally notorious artist Joey Skaggs is a satirist, prankster, media critic, and social activist. Since the sixties, he has duped the world press with outrageous fabricated news stories highlighting disinformation, hype, hypocrisy, social injus...
1 user, first 24/9/2008, Lukáš Bauer, bookmarks, people - Video History Project: Resources - People Text 1 user, first 24/9/2008, Lukáš Bauer, bookmarks, people
- 1 user, first 24/9/2008, Lukáš Bauer, bookmarks, people
- Umelec international 1 user, first 24/9/2008, Lukáš Bauer, bookmarks, people
- VOLUME2NR1_art03.pdf (application/pdf Object) 1 user, first 24/9/2008, Lukáš Bauer, bookmarks, people
- network art timeline 1 user, first 24/9/2008, Lukáš Bauer, bookmarks, people
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