Bookmarks of the following user: RNDr. Jan Kasprzak, Ph.D., učo 1885 with the tag: howto networking
Bookmarks of the following user: RNDr. Jan Kasprzak, Ph.D., učo 1885 with the tag: howto networking
SSL Certificate request with subject alternative names (SAN) - Justin Grevich
Jak udělat SSL certifikát znějící na více jmen?
1 user, first 23/1/2013, Jan Kasprzak, bookmarks, peoplePIM v Linuxu (PDF)
Popis toho, jaky je stav multicast routingu v Linuxu v dnesni dobe. Udajne jim to fungovalo.
1 user, first 30/7/2010, Jan Kasprzak, bookmarks, peopleHow to change an IP address in a HP Procurve Switch
Jak změnit IP adresu switche HP Procurve za běhu
1 user, first 19/1/2010, Jan Kasprzak, bookmarks, peopleRFC 5375 - IPv6 Unicast Address Assignment Considerations
Best practice ohledne navrhu IPv6 adresace siti.
1 user, first 28/5/2009, Jan Kasprzak, bookmarks, people
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