Bookmarks of the following user: RNDr. Jan Kasprzak, Ph.D., učo 1885 with the tag: linux historie
Bookmarks of the following user: RNDr. Jan Kasprzak, Ph.D., učo 1885 with the tag: linux historie
Kissed A Girl?
Znama debata o efektivite SparcLinuxu versus SunOSu (1996)
1 user, first 5/3/2010, Jan Kasprzak, bookmarks, peopleThe Sourceware Operating System Proposal
Clanek z roku 1993(!), kde Larry McVoy navrhuje zverejnit zdrojove texty SunOSu (nebo UNIXu).
1 user, first 5/3/2010, Jan Kasprzak, bookmarks, people
Special thanks to for inspiring us.