Bookmarks with the Following Tag: fi:pv005! webdesign
Bookmarks with the Following Tag: fi:pv005! webdesign
OWASP Cheat Sheet Series
Life is too short. AppSec si tough. Cheat! Concise collection of high value information on specific application security topics.
1 user, first 9/4/2019, Tomáš Obšívač, bookmarks, peopleHTML5 Accessibility
The current accessibility support status of HTML5 features across major browsers.
1 user, first 26/10/2017, Tomáš Obšívač, bookmarks, peopleRelpost - Handpicked related posts for Web designers
Relpost diggs deep to bring you fresh content from the hottest web designers and the coolest blogs serving you juicy, related goodness. Categories: code, design, process, typography, user science.
1 user, first 4/4/2010, Tomáš Obšívač, bookmarks, peopleHTML Entity Character Lookup
This lookup allows you to quickly find the entity based on how it looks. Try x, ", <, ...
1 user, first 15/10/2009, Tomáš Obšívač, bookmarks, peoplecss Zen Garden: The Beauty in CSS Design
CSS allows complete and total control over the style of a hypertext document.
5 users, first 4/1/2007, Tomáš Obšívač, bookmarks, peopleTest kontrastu barev
Rozdíl jasu, barvy a kontrastu mezi dvěma hex hodnotami RGB.
1 user, first 4/4/2007, Tomáš Obšívač, bookmarks, peoplePřístupnost: Web a weblog věnovaný přístupnosti webových stránek
Jak dělat web bez bariér, tedy web přístupný pro všechny uživatele Internetu.
1 user, first 5/1/2007, Tomáš Obšívač, bookmarks, people
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