Bookmarks with the Following Tag: folksonomy definition
Bookmarks with the Following Tag: folksonomy definition
sturtz-folksonomy.pdf (application/pdf objekt)
Dobry clanek, prakticka definice
1 user, first 24/5/2007, Antonín Vaishar, bookmarks, peopleFolksonomy Definition and Wikipedia :: Off the Top ::
par definici
1 user, first 24/5/2007, Antonín Vaishar, bookmarks, peopleFolksonomy ::
Thomas Vander Wal o puvodu pojmu
1 user, first 24/5/2007, Antonín Vaishar, bookmarks, peopleFolksonomy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 1 user, first 24/5/2007, Antonín Vaishar, bookmarks, people
Alex Wright :: Folksonomy
Jedna z definic, nevim, jestli puvodni
1 user, first 24/5/2007, Antonín Vaishar, bookmarks, peopleBuiilding a Library Web Site on the Pilars of Web2.0
Web2.0 v knihovnach
1 user, first 24/5/2007, Antonín Vaishar, bookmarks, peopleFolksonomy : A short description of what is and how it works
pouzitelna definice
1 user, first 24/5/2007, Antonín Vaishar, bookmarks, peopleLibrary Student Journal: Collaborative tagging, folksonomies, distributed classification or ethnoclassification: a literature review.
mimo jine prehled zdroju
1 user, first 24/5/2007, Antonín Vaishar, bookmarks, people
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