Bookmarks with the Following Tag: folksonomy taxonomy
Bookmarks with the Following Tag: folksonomy taxonomy
Folksonomies: power to the people
Knihovnicky pohled, porovnani s fezetami apod.
1 user, first 24/5/2007, Antonín Vaishar, bookmarks, peopleThe Structure of Collaborative Tagging Systems
Pomerne komplexni clanek, dobre popsany rozdil mezi folksonomii a taxonomii
1 user, first 24/5/2007, Antonín Vaishar, bookmarks, peopleFolksonomies: A User-Driven Approach to Organizing Content
folksonomy x taxonomy
1 user, first 24/5/2007, Antonín Vaishar, bookmarks, peopleLexonomy | A Taxonomy Primer
mimo jine o tom, kde na webu pouzit rizeny slovnik
1 user, first 24/5/2007, Antonín Vaishar, bookmarks, peoplePosition Paper, Tagging, Taxonomy, Flickr, Article, ToRead (pdf)
taxonomy of tagging systems
1 user, first 24/5/2007, Antonín Vaishar, bookmarks, people
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