Bookmarks with the Following Tag: programming FI:IB016
Bookmarks with the Following Tag: programming FI:IB016
The Kawa Scheme language
Kawa is a programming language for the Java platform. It is an implementation of Scheme, which, is in the Lisp family of programming languages. It is possible to build Android applications using Kawa.
1 user, first 10/5/2015, Matej Kollár, bookmarks, peopleThe Genuine Sieve of Eratosthenes [PDF] 2 users, first 27/10/2014, Matěj Kolouch Grabovský, bookmarks, people
The Day Python Embarrassed Imperative Programming 1 user, first 10/5/2015, Matej Kollár, bookmarks, people
Null References: The Billion Dollar Mistake -- Tony Hoare 2 users, first 31/8/2013, Daniel Vašek, bookmarks, people
Monoids, Functors, Applicatives, and Monads: 10 Main Ideas 2 users, first 5/1/2015, Matěj Kolouch Grabovský, bookmarks, people
Haskell and Web Applications
Popis serializace haskellovských struktur do html.
2 users, first 17/3/2010, Martin Bukatovič, bookmarks, peopleŠkola Amoskadan - AJ grammar
Vynikajúci prehľad AJ gramatiky v češtine formou elearningu.
2 users, first 1/12/2014, Martin Brakl, bookmarks, people
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