Economy and Management of Non-profit Organisations
The course focuses on a practical analysis of the specific characteristics of non-profit sector organisations, based on various types of their activity and methods of their funding, and presented through the following topics: reasons of existence, typology of organisations, mission, functions, processes, complex economy - utility, performances, costs, receipts, calculations, prices, taxes; norms, provisions, limits, standards; budgeting, fundraising; investment, innovation, efficiency, management - planning, organising, control, personnel policy, leadership, external environment - marketing;
Students will be able to understand and explain the specifics of the nonprofit sector and nonprofit institutions, including the managerial, financial and marketing methods and instruments.
Students will be able to define, analyse and judge the relations among particular sectors.
According to the character of the nonprofit subjects they should be able to make reasoned decisions about fundraising strategies, efficiency improvement and managing the volunteers.
Students will be also able to evaluate the financial and social sustainibility of the concrete organization.
The subject matter of lectures is developed further in seminars, and illustrated with concrete cases of different non-profit organisations. Prerequisites for studying the subject include Public Economics , Economics of the Public Sector and partly Corporate Economics (comparison of running a company in profit and non-profit sectors).
Thematic plan of tutorials:
1. Basic information about the course. Definition of functions of the non-profit sector in the national economy. Different approaches to defining the non-profit sector.
2. History of the non-profit sector. NGOs in economic theories.
3. NGOs in international comparison. Economic indicators, employment, regional patterns of the non-profit sector.
4. Mission, objectives, functions, and activities of NGOs.
5. Legislation of non-profit organizations.
6. Financing of non-profit organizations. State subsidy policy. Fundraising. Preparation of projects. Financing of NGOs from EU structural funds.
7. Management, marketing, communication and PR for NGOs. Strategic planning in NGOs.
8. Accounting, taxation, audit, calculation for NGOs.
9. The economic dimension of voluntary work in the non-profit sector.
The tutorials are based on the given topics. Control tests at 7. and week 13 are required (see course completion conditions).
Lectures/tutorials are divided into blocks.