Knowledge management
The ways in which organizations create, communicate, and argue knowledge are different. However, they have a long-term impact on the organizational performance as they affect the results of decision-making and negotiation of the organization's members. This course examines how effective, flexible, and innovative organizations in the so called society 4.0 create, communicate, and argue their knowledge. The aim of the course is to map existing research in this area and to support the idea that the combination of knowledge management and sensitive management of social relationships is essential for the creation and updating of effective approaches to solving the original task of knowledge management in the organization, by promoting its flexibility and innovativeness.
Lecture 1 – Knowledge Management: introduction, organisational affairs (requirements, contents, passing the course). Approaches to Knowledge Management. Knowledge workers, organisational learning. Sensemaking, high-reliability organising: theoretical input, brief test, presentations, discussions. Knowledge components, LIR model, knowledge creation. Barriers to knowledge sharing, role of communities in knowledge sharing.
Lecture 2 – Strong and weak ties between people and knowledge sharing, role of routines in organisations. Interpersonal competence and knowledge sharing, collaboration across different domains of expertise. Interfirm networks and cooperation in knowledge sharing, customer knowledge management. Specific methods supporting knowledge management, measuring the value of knowledge management.