CzechIS MU Login

Kurz pro zaměstnance: Anglický jazyk – úroveň B2/C1 (PS2023)

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    Lektorka: Ailsa Marion Randall, M.A.

    Termín konání: 27.9. – 13.12.2023

    Čas: středa 11.00 – 12.30

    Učebna: 2

    Min. počet účastníků: 5

    Max. počet účastníků: 15

    Charakteristika kurzu:
    This course is for people who are already quite fluent in English. In the first 45 minutes of each class we will focus on language at B2 level and in the second 45 minutes the level will go up to C1. A large part of the class will be devoted to speaking but we will also focus on learning new vocabulary and the other language skills. Some of the topics will be specifically related to working at a university, e.g. vocabulary connected to studies or writing emails. The materials for the course will be announced closer to the time. There will be some homework each week.
    Termín přihlašování do: 21.9.2023

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