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Präsentationstechniken und -fertigkeiten in Deutsch – podzim 2024 (MPJ_PJPFD)

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Kurz je zaměřen na zlepšení prezentačních dovedností v němčině pomocí interaktivních cvičení a nových technologií. Probíhá jak klasickou, tak zábavnou formou, s cílem podpořit přirozené a sebejisté vystupování před publikem v cizím jazyce. Kurz také nabízí možnost posílení a rozšíření stávajících znalostí, přípravu na jednání a prezentace v firemním prostředí a zpětnou vazbu, která pomáhá účastníkům pracovat efektivněji. Každý účastník si navíc může individuálně vybrat oblasti, ve kterých chce své schopnosti rozvíjet a kde potřebuje pomoc. Požadovaná jazyková úroveň je B1.

  • Presentation skills and techniques in German

    Presentation Skills in German is a follow-up to the required course Foreign Language I/German. It is designed to develop students' communication skills in a business setting.
    Main objectives of the course: - to acquaint students with the basic techniques used in the process of preparing and giving a presentation; - to extend their vocabulary related to this discipline; - to practise the newly learnt skills in front of the audience.
    • Timetable of Seminar Groups:
      MPJ_PJPFD/01 Thu 16:00–17:50 S401, except Thu 19. 9., except Thu 7. 11., P. Dufková
    • Language Centre, Faculty of Economics and Administration Division – Faculty Branches of University Departments – Faculty of Economics and Administration
    seminar tutor Mgr. Pavlína Dufková Mgr. Pavlína Dufková
    (seminar tutor)

    1. Body position and breathing, exercises
    2. Body language, gestures, mimics, non-verbal communication, eye contact, exercises, games
    3. Speech, paraverbal communication (voice tone and pitch), paradigm of verbal communication, pronunciation and intonation, exercises
    4. Language means in communication – part I: conversation initiation, being given the floor, argumentation, contribution to the topic
    5. Language means in communication – part II: emphasis, changing the subject, connectors, recapitulation, conclusion
    6. Styles of specialist language communication, common phrases, idioms, sentence patterns and text structure
    7. Presentation preparation: assembling information, information classification and structuring, introduction to a presentation, mini-presentation delivery
    8. Presentation preparation: expression of main ideas, mini-presentation delivery, conclusion, exercises: elevator speech
    9. Presentation aids: mid maps, visuals, overhead transparencies, PowerPoint, leaflets, handouts, music
    10. Subject presentation, five-point presentation structure, exercise referring to a selected subject, presentation delivery
    11. Product presentation: particularities, demonstration – video
    12. Company presentation: structure, the use of figures, graphs, and tables, demonstration – video
    Presentation delivery and evaluation
    Course Enrolment Limitations
    The capacity limit for the course is 20 student(s).

Total: 2 990 CZK incl. VAT