angličtinaPřihlášení do IS MU

Multivariate Statistical Analysis in R – jaro 2025 (DXH_MSTA)

Tato nabídka není nyní v prodeji.

Máte zájem o vícerozměrné statistické metody, ale nevíte, kde začít? Získejte uživatelskou znalost klíčových metod a nástrojů pro analýzu vícerozměrných dat. Kurz je veden v angličtině. Předchozí znalost R výhodou, ale není nutná. Dodatečné informace ke kurzu najdete zde.

  • Multivariate Statistical Analysis

    At the end of the course students should be able:
    - to identify the multivariate character of tasks
    - be well versed in advanced multivariate statistical methods
    - to asses assumptions of methods concerning an application context
    • Rozvrh: jaro 2025
      každý sudý pátek 8:00–9:50 VT202, kromě Pá 4. 4., kromě Pá 2. 5. ; a Pá 25. 4. 8:00–9:50 VT202
      Rozvrh seminárních/paralelních skupin:
      DXH_MSTA/01 každý sudý pátek 10:00–11:50 VT202, kromě Pá 4. 4., kromě Pá 2. 5. ; a Pá 25. 4. 10:00–11:50 VT202, M. Králová
    • Ekonomicko-správní fakulta

    Based on students' preferences, topics from the following list will be selected:
    Introduction to R environment
    An Outline of Different Approaches to Ordinal Data Analysis
    Introduction into Multivariate Analysis
    Principal Component Analysis
    Factor Analysis
    Cluster Analysis
    Discriminant Analysis
    Higher-Order ANOVA
    Informace učitele
    Data is merely the raw material of knowledge. However, the big issue is the ability of humans to use, analyse and make sense of the data. Most crucial scientific, economic, and business decisions are made based on data analysis which in its complexity can produce valuable information.

    When dataset consists of units at which not just one but many (possibly correlated) variables are measured, Multivariate Statistical Analysis provides tools to get meaningful patterns and insights hidden behind the data. Consideration of statistical dependence among variables makes multivariate analysis somewhat different in approach and considerably more complex than the corresponding univariate analysis when there is only one response variable under consideration.

    There are three major tasks of multivariate analysis:

    • Reduction of multidimensionality (higher number of correlated variables can be represented by a smaller number of representative variables)

    • Detection of outliers (with a prospect to multidimensionality which is non-intuitive)

    • Looking for patterns and structures hidden in data

    This course covers most of the methods used in Multivariate Statistical Analysis (see a list of topics). The aim of this course is not only to offer a theoretical background to these methods but also hands-on experience of real data processing and an interpretation of software outputs within an R environment.

Celková cena: 2 990 Kč vč. DPH

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