Culture Management

From Arts to Marts (and back again).

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Students of the Master’s degree study programme in Culture Management will be acquainted with the problems of economics, law, art, and other aspects of the functioning of cultural institutions, including public economics, economics of culture, and legal ethics. Orientation towards the understanding of both public and private support of cultural nonprofit organizations, i.e. cultural politics, is part of the studies. Students will be taught accounting, marketing, public relations, copyright, and cultural business management with its specific economic and management characteristics.


After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:

  • solve problems of economics, law, art, and other aspects of the functioning of cultural institutions (praxeology, economics of culture, and legal ethics)
  • understand both public and private support of cultural nonprofit organizations
  • be oriented in cultural politics
  • comprehend accounting, marketing, public relations, copyright, and cultural business management with all its specific demands
  • use advanced computer tools including databases and online search engines to communicate and share
  • reflect the actual cultural and social events and their adaptation to practical use for the organizational and management work in the profiled art institutions

Graduates of the Master’s degree study programme in Culture Management will be ready to practically use their knowledge in the artistic, economic, and legal aspects of the functioning of cultural institutions, as well as in national culture politics and its system modifications in the Euro-American background.

Thanks to the combination of the theoretical knowledge of art and practically oriented economic, legal, and praxeological directions, graduates will be able to fulfil all the conditions for the execution of organizational and management tasks at different cultural and social posts in both public and private institutions.


The standard duration of studies is two years, degree conferred: Master’s (Mgr.)

For admittance to the final state examination, students must earn a total of 120 ECTS credits for the single-subject study (or 70 ECTS for the double-subject study if Culture Management is the major study programme or 50 ECTS for the double-subject study if Culture Management is the minor study programme) in type A/required, type B/selective, and type C/elective courses. A course in a world language and a traineeship are both required.

During the course of their studies, students should follow the study catalogue valid for their year of matriculation. The study catalogues for the individual years of matriculation are available at the Faculty of Arts website.


Practical training is in the form of a 40-hour traineeship in a cultural institution as offered by a lector or chosen by the student. The course is intended for better understanding of the operation of cultural institutions.


The final state examination consists of three parts, including the defence of the diploma thesis. Further information available at


Field of study specifications

Field of Study: Culture Management
Abbreviation: MNGK
Code: 8109T019
Type: master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one)
Degree: Mgr.
Accreditation: to 31/12/2024
Programme: N8109 N-OT General Theory and History of Arts and Culture
Faculty of Arts
Field of study guaranteed by:
Faculty of Arts
Field guarantor:
doc. Ing. František Svoboda, Ph.D.

The programme is conceived in co-operation with the Faculty of Economics and Administration, Masaryk University.