
The eye is the window to the soul

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The aim of the study is to obtain background knowledge of the basic diseases affecting the eye, ocular adnexa, visual pathway, and orbit. Students learn about examination methods as well as treatment options, gaining experience with examining natural visual acuity and using the slit lamp.

After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:

  • Describe basic examination methods and some specialized ophthalmology methods.
  • Describe basic diseases affecting the eye, visual pathway, and orbit and the respective treatment options.
  • Examine natural visual acuity.
  • Examine the anterior segment of the eye using the slit lamp.
  • Provide essential first aid (rinse the conjunctival sac, evert the eyelid, remove a foreign body from the conjunctival sac).
Students are trained to work at ophthalmology departments and outpatient facilities.
The course is scheduled as an intensive block course running for 7 1/2 workdays. It is a required course and students must earn the credits (by completing the training and passing the credit test) before they are allowed to take the exam.
Individual practice is not a part of this course .
To graduate, students need to earn the credits (complete the required training and passing the final test) and pass an oral exam (practical part – examination of a patient, answering three questions).

Field of study specifications

Field of Study: Ophthalmology
Abbreviation: OFT
Code: 5103V040
Type: doctoral degree programme
Degree: Ph.D.
Accreditation: to 31/12/2024
Programme: P5153 D-OL4 Ophthalmology (4-years)
Faculty of Medicine
Field of study guaranteed by:
Faculty of Medicine
Field guarantor:
prof. MUDr. Eva Vlková, CSc.