Applied Geography

Geography helps us understand natural and societal relations

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The study programme of Applied Geography is designed to offer a relatively wide spectrum of geographical knowledge and skills stressing the processes relevant for the local and regional dimension of environmental, social, economic, and ecological development. The students should obtain knowledge and skills needed for the reasonable implementation and evaluation of the aforementioned processes, taking into account the widely accepted international principles of regional and sustainable development. The objective of the studies is to lead students to a complex geographical understanding of reality that is composed of natural, societal, cultural, and economic spheres. They should be able to communicate with a broad spectrum of experts dealing with practical problems of local and regional development, regarding the sustainability of these processes. One of the goals of this Master's degree programme is to prepare the graduates for their professional commitment, either as individuals or in working teams. The graduates should be broadly adaptable employees able to work in expert teams and organizations.

After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:

  • formulate basic problems in the system of natural environment - human society in selected regions
  • analyse and synthesize individual components of natural environment and society
  • perform field work including modern methods of data collection
  • effectively apply statistical methods, computers, and information technologies for the analysis of geographical reality
  • use professional terminology and communicate in foreign language
  • critically evaluate knowledge related to phenomena, processes, and interrelations in a landscape
  • solve particular problems independently, connect their activities with professionals from related fields of science dealing with environment and landscape
  • manage such working (research) teams, organize communication with a non-geographical community
The graduates can find employment in design and consultancy companies, departments of civil administration at the local, regional and central levels, in research institutions focusing both on basic and applied research (departments of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic), as well as in the applied research in geography and follow-up branches (Ministry of Environment), in the departments of agriculture, and bodies and institutions of both of these departments, and also at universities and non-profit environmental organizations. They can also progress to study in one of the doctoral degree programmes.
The standard duration of studies is four semesters. To be admitted to the final state examination students have to earn a total of 102 ECTS credits for required, selective, and elective courses including the Master's thesis.

The students have to complete all required courses and all courses related to the Master's thesis. The recommended elective courses make up 26 credits in total. Geographical and cartographic recommended elective courses can be selected from those offered within the Geography and Cartography study programme - if this is allowed (code Z%). Some recommended elective courses are taught only once in two years. Recommended elective courses can be chosen by students according to their interests and intended professional specialization. Some credits can be earned in elective courses offered in the study plan of the given study programme, or in other courses offered within other study programmes.

During the course of their studies students should follow the Course Catalogue for their year of matriculation. They can access the Course Catalogues through the faculty website.

Practical training (at least two weeks in duration) at selected institutions or departments forms an integral part of the study plan of the study programme of Applied Geography. These training sessions are organized by the Department of Geography; or, the students may find suitable workplaces themselves. However, in this case the Department has to approve of such a selection.
The final state examination in Applied Geography consists of the following parts: 1) defence of the Master's thesis; 2) required course; 3) selective course; and 4) elective course.

The students can choose one selective and one elective course from the list that is presented on the faculty website (Information System). There can be an arbitrary combination of courses; however, one course must be related to the Master's thesis. Students may choose this subject with their supervisors.

After completion of the Master's degree courses of Applied Geography, it is possible to continue in the follow-up courses of the doctoral degree programme of Geography (having satisfied the admission requirements).

Field of study specifications

Field of Study: Applied Geography
Abbreviation: APGE
Code: 1301T022
Type: Advanced Master's state examination
Degree: RNDr.
Accreditation: to 31/12/2024
Programme: R1304 Rig-GK Geography and Cartography
Faculty of Science
Field of study guaranteed by:
Faculty of Science