Administrative Geology

Geology for Society

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The study programme is focused on utilising the knowledge of geology in state administration and local authorities. Contrary to the research-oriented study programme of Geology, it primarily emphasizes the relations with state administration and the legislature in geology. Its combined form is suitable especially for those employees of environmental departments and departments dealing with the protection of nature who want to complete their tertiary education.

Bachelor's study programme of Geology provides integrated tertiary education in geological disciplines. Its goal is to educate the graduates for the follow-up Master's study programmes and enable them to make qualified choices for shaping their professional profile through several follow-up Master's study programmes of Geology. Studies in this programme include basics of individual geological disciplines. The courses aimed at shaping graduates' professional profile include general geology, palaeontology, historical geology, regional geology, mineralogy, petrology and geochemistry. Geological practical landscape training and professional practice are parts of the study plan for the programme.


After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:

  • explain and use principal geological terminology
  • recognize principal minerals, rocks, fossils and structures
  • popularise facts about geological issues and selected areas
  • analyse the legal dimension of geological issues, interpret results of geological research in relation to administrative adjudication and present the information in written and oral form
  • independently study scientific literature written in Czech or foreign languages
  • apply common methods of landscape research and laboratory practice and process obtained data using
  • present results of the analyses of landscape and laboratory data in written and oral form
Graduates can find employment in environmental departments, in departments dealing with the protection of nature, in administration od protected areas and in companies whose task is to prepare groundwork for solving environmental issues.
The standard duration of the studies is six semesters. To get admitted to the final state exam, students must obtain a total of 180 credits for compulsory, selective and elective courses. They must get credits for all compulsory, three selective and a certain number of elective courses, so that the total number of credits is at least 162. The remaining 18 credits can be obtained by completing elective courses offered in the study plan of the given study programme or elective courses offered by any other study programme. During the course of their studies students should follow the Study catalogue for their year of matriculation. They can access the Study catalogue through the faculty website.
Practical training linked to compulsory courses is an obligatory part of the study plan for this study programme. Landscape research training and excursions represent optional components of the study plan.
The final state exam consists of two parts: 1) theory examination (usually written test) and 2) defence of the thesis.

The theory exam measures the knowledge obtained in compulsory courses.

Bachelor's thesis may be submitted in Czech, Slovak or English.

After completing the Bachelor's degree programme in Geology the graduates can pursue their further studies within Geology study programme.

Field of study specifications

Field of Study: Administrative Geology
Abbreviation: SPRG
Code: 1201R017
Type: Bachelor's degree programme
Degree: Bc.
Accreditation: to 31/12/2024
Programme: B1201 B-GE Geology
Faculty of Science
Field of study guaranteed by:
Faculty of Science
Field guarantor:
doc. RNDr. Marek Slobodník, CSc.