German-language Translation – Field of study catalogue MU
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The aim of the German translation study programme is to provide students with the comprehensive knowledge and skills to become fully qualified translators. This degree study programme is focused on theoretical and practical aspects of translation, primarily German-Czech. The emphasis is placed on technical (non-literary) translation. The core of the programme is a series of required courses focused on translation theory, translation practice, and Czech and German linguistics. The remainder of the programme consists of selective and elective courses focused on specific types of translation and issues associated with them.
After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:
- have very good written and spoken German language competence, mainly with respect to translating
- use comprehensive knowledge of pure and applied translation theory and practical skills relevant for translation from and to German
- work independently and conduct critical analyses of language in use and intercultural communication
- use the language competence as well as knowledge of social, political, and cultural situations in German-speaking countries in various working positions with relevance for these areas
Graduates of this degree programme should be able to work independently as translators and provide comprehensive consulting services in written and oral intercultural German–Czech and Czech–German communication. They should also be able to work for a number of companies or public institutions in positions where high-level German-language skills, German-Czech translation skills, and communicative and analytical skills are required.
The standard duration of studies is four semesters. For admittance to the final state examination, students must earn a total of 120 ECTS credits for type A/required, type B/selective, and type C/elective courses. Type A/required courses constitute the basis of the discipline. Type B/selective courses can be chosen by the students according to their interests and intended professional specialization. Type C/elective courses can be chosen from those offered in the curriculum of the given study programme or from other courses offered by any other study programme.
During the course of their studies, students should follow the study catalogue valid for their year of matriculation. The study catalogues for the individual years of matriculation are available at the Faculty of Arts website.
The final state examination has two parts: a written exam, translating from Czech to German and from German to Czech, and an oral exam, presenting and discussing an assigned topic from translation studies, German language, and applied linguistics (based on the published list of topics).
The thesis defence is also part of the final state examination.
More information about graduation requirements can be found on the department website:
After completing the Master’s degree study, it is possible to continue further studies in a doctoral degree study programme in philology.