Medical Chemistry and Biochemistry – Field of study catalogue MU
Medical Chemistry and Biochemistry“Inspired by nature – realized by science” |
During the course of their studies, doctoral students learn to plan and design experiments, evaluate and statistically process the results and interpret them in a broader context. Students learn to continuously monitor the scientific literature in their field and use the available information in their own work. Graduates should have a good understanding of the methods used in their area of research and be able to design and implement new techniques and methods. Completing the theoretical courses helps students understand the disciplines that lie on the boundary between biochemistry and biology. They learn how to formulate new scientific problems, develop possible ways to solve them and submit their proposed solutions as grant applications. Interdisciplinary cooperation is also supported. Last but not least, students also learn to write scientific papers for publication and to deliver lectures at conferences and improve their communication skills in both Czech and English. They also participate in teaching and learn basic teaching skills.
After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:
- Plan and design experiments, evaluate and statistically process the results, and interpret them in a broader context.
- Have a good understanding of the methods used in his/her area of interest and design and implement new techniques and processes.
- Formulate new scientific problems, develop possible ways to solve them and submit his/her proposed solutions as a grant application.
- Continuously monitor current scientific literature in the field and use the available information in his/her own work.
- Write papers for publication and deliver lectures at conferences.
- Use basic teaching techniques.
To apply for the study programme, students must have completed a degree programme at a medical or pharmaceutical faculty or faculty of science in chemical, biochemical, or biological sciences. Previous experience with independent student research work in the laboratory as part of diploma thesis research (faculty of science, pharmaceutical faculty) or other individual research work (faculty of medicine) is expected.
During the admission interview, candidates must demonstrate the required level of knowledge and competence for independent creative thinking and scientific work.
During the course of their studies, students are required to enrol in 5 required courses, at least 3 selective courses and one elective course.
Required courses:
Medical Physiology (the course is compulsory for doctoral students with non-medical education)
Molecular Biology and Genetics
English Language
Obtaining Scientific Information
Selective courses:
Clinical Biochemistry
New Trends in Pathophysiology
New Trends in Medical Immunology
Clinical Data Analysis
Ethics of Biomedical Research
Rhetoric. Standards of Interpersonal Communication.
Design and Analysis of Clinical Trials
Computer Network User
In addition to completing the courses, there are additional requirements, such as:
Participation in specialized seminars recommended by the supervisor.
Participation in scientific seminars at the Department of Biochemistry. Students must present their own results three times a year.
Presentation of the dissertation research project conferences both at home and abroad.
Students participate in teaching undergraduates for at least two semesters.
A short internship at a cooperating laboratory abroad is also recommended.
To complete their studies, students must publish at least one original paper in a journal with impact factor as well as other papers, and earn at least 10 publication points (abstract in a journal with no impact factor – 1 point; review paper published in Czech – 2 points; review paper published in another language in a journal with no IF – 3 points; abstract in a journal with IF – 3 points; original paper in a Czech or Slovak journal with no IF – 4 points; original paper in a foreign journal with no IF – 5 points).
1. Earn the required number of 240 credits for their studies.
2. Pass at least 5 courses common to all doctoral students.
3. Meet the publication requirements.
4. Pass the state doctoral examination in Medical Chemistry and Biochemistry. To pass this exam, students need to demonstrate systematic and deep knowledge of biochemistry focused on the metabolism of the human body and its physiological and pathobiochemical aspects. Students must also be familiar with the latest developments in molecular biology.
5. Submit the doctoral thesis.
The final graduation requirement is a successful defence of the doctoral thesis. The defence is public and takes place before a board consisting of a chair, the thesis supervisor, members of the doctoral studies board and doctoral thesis readers, who are experts on the given research topic. At the defence, the student is first introduced by his/her supervisor and then presents the main points of his/her thesis. The readers then present their thesis reports and the student responds to them. After the discussion that follows, the board holds a secret vote about the result and gives a grade.