History of the Law and Roman Law – Field of study catalogue MU
History of the Law and Roman Law“Through the past towards the future. A little bit of (legal) history does not kill anybody.” |
After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:
- look up and examine the current themes of legal history (romanistic) with use of scientific methods;
- assess solidly the later legal regulations including the applicable law with the knowledge of development of legal institutes from ancient times;
- suggest the suitable solutions de lege ferenda;
- conduct the legal history (Roman law) seminars;
- prepare the supporting material for education;
- deepen his/her knowledge of the discipline.
These specialized courses of the disciplines include: Legal History of Ancient Times, Legal History of the Middle Ages, Legal History of Modern times, Czech and Czechoslovakian Legal History 1848-1945, Czech and Czechoslovakian Legal History 1945-1990, History of Czech Public Law, History of Czech Private Law, History of Anglo-American Law, History of the Roman State, Legal Sources, Roman Law - Legal entities and objects of rights, Roman Law - Family Law, Roman Law - Right im rem, Roman Law - Obligations, Roman Law - Law of Succession, Roman Public Law, Exegesis of text and The Reception of Roman Law.
Further duties of the students are Auxiliary Pedagogical Work I-II and Pedagogical Work I-IV.