Private International Law – Field of study catalogue MU
Private International Law“With us to the world.” |
After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:
- work systematically scietifically across the themes covered by the discipline.
- move in the scientific community at national and international level.
- dispose over knowledge and skills concerning the field of study at national, European and international level.
- draw up the narrower and wider scientific treatises from the given area.
- understand above-standard and ingest the matter of Private International Law.
During the study (the standard duration of the study is four years) the student is obliged to complete all required courses (they are the courses bound to the discipline and bound to its wider basis including the language). The student enrolls selective courses bound to pedagogical and scientific work into the relevant number of credits. He/she is entitled to enroll the selective courses from a wider spectrum across the university, including the language courses.
The student is obliged to pass the state doctoral examination and submit the doctoral thesis on topic bound to the discipline for defence.
With regard to the nature of the programme a practical training is not assumed as an obligatory part of the study plan. An internship at the workplace abroad is assumed.
The final state examination consists of the scope bound to the Private International Law and Civil Law. The scope from the area of Private International Law is defined in so called broader concept. It involves the methods of regulation, analysis of general part of Conflict of Laws, analysis of individual areas of special part of Conflict of Laws, analysis of all sources of legal regulation, it means European, international, national, mandatory rules, Procedual Law, International Arbitration Proceedings, International Business Law, if the issue of International Economic Law, management of external economic relations within the European Union and legal regulation of individual business transactions are concerned. The scope from the area of Civil Law is defined ad hoc, the handover of comprehensive file against the accreditation has not been reached.