Theory of Law – Field of study catalogue MU
Theory of Law“Legal Science is the knowledge of things divine and human, distinguishing between fair and unfair”. Domitius Ulpianus, Digesta |
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The objective of the study discipline of Theory of Law is to understand the basic theoretical questions of legal science and to develop the prerequisites for an independent scientific and pedagogical work in the discipline Theory of Law and further areas of legal science by acquisition of creative law-theoretical access to legal phenomena and solution of legal questions in the area of legal theory and legal practice. Students will deepen the knowledge of legal terms, legal categories, legal institutions and legal phenomena exceeding single branches of positive law. After recapitulation of traditional law-philosophical thinking students will be familiar with present critical approaches in legal science and will be led to critical look at legal area and its social context. A broader scientific basis of the discipline constitutes Theory of State and a part of the study are also the bases of scientific work, procedures of academic writing and language preparation.
After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:
- know the basic law-philosophical stances to law, legal terms and concepts and to manage to work with them.
- understand the significant law-theoretical and law-philosophical works of excellent authors of 20th and 21st century.
- apply the law-theoretical and law-philosophical thinking during the solution of law-theoretical questions.
- master the basic methodology of legal science.
- use the methods of scientific work during the drawing up the professional works.
- manage the requirements of an independent creative scientific work.
The graduates of the study programmes are profiled to professional scientific work in the area of legal importance, legislation, judiciary and in further areas where the deep law-theoretical basis is required. They can find an opportunity to work in many other professional areas which require qualified interpretation and application of legal regulations, in advisory activity, in state administration and in scietific-pedagogical activity at establishments of higher edcuation and in pedagogical work at secondary schools.
The standard duration of the discipline is eight semesters. For admittance to the final state examination students must obtain a total of 240 ECTS credits for required, selective and elective courses. The student enrolls the courses by means of registration in Information System of Masaryk University, thus in determined period of registration. The required courses constitute the basis of professionally profiled courses of the discipline. In the earliest semester the student is obliged to enroll the course which did not complete successfully. If he/she does not complete the repeated course succesfully after exhaustion of correction possibilities, he/she has no right to register into the following semester and study is discontinued. The study plan of the discipline Theory of Law is stated at websites of the Faculty, see:
The proper completion of the study is conditioned by successful passing the state doctoral examination and the defence of the doctoral thesis. Fulfilment of all study duties and completion of all study courses registered in Information System is the necessary condition for filing an application for the state doctoral examination (hereinafter referred to as SDE). At the latest with an application to SDE the student submits also an abstract of the doctoral thesis, if he/she does not directly hand over the doctoral thesis along with the application. Minimum extent of the doctoral work is 150 pages, at least 261.000 signs including the gaps. The doctoral thesis is assessed by two opponents. The student is entitled to pass the examination and defence at the same time, or separately, where admittance to the defence of the doctoral thesis is conditioned by passing the state doctoral examination. More information to be found at the webside:
After the completion of the doctoral study programme Theory of Law there is no follow-up in the study programme.