Constitutional Law and Theory of State

Constitutional law as the basic legal branch.

Doctoral degree programme, full-time study mode, Czech, 4 years 
Doctoral degree programme, combined form, Czech, 4 years 
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The study of the discipline is intended for applicants with interests to deepen their knowledge of Constitutional Law and with the related field of study Theory of State. Constitutional Law makes the student familiar with the place of Constitutional Law in the law system (term, subject, sources), with theory of constitution and values on which is based, with constitutional bases of state form (territory of organization, state regime, state authority), legal order and law system (law formation, legal regulations, publication of legal regulations, relation of Constitutional, International and Transnational law, constitutional bases of law interpretation), with law regulation of state authority and its organization (distrinution of powers, individual constitutional bodies, their position, rules of activity, elections), with bases of relation of state and an individual (citizenship, basis rights and freedoms, their protection, constitutional bases of position of foreigners). Thoroughly mastering the Constitutional Law of the Czech Republic assumes the detailed knowledge of theory of state and politology as general basis. The common denominator of the doctoral study in the discipline of Constitutional Law is learning the methods of scientific work, as well as critical legal thinking during the analysis of practical problems of Constitutional Law with regard to legislation and judicature of the Czech Republic and in other countries.


After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:

  • explain and give the deep theoretical bases of the discipline (particularly theory of constitution, public authority and its division, forms of government, state regime, theory and dogmatics of basic rights and freedoms;
  • do an independent scientific work (including comparation) and to give the overview of the Global and European trends;
  • apply the knowledge and skills in practice (particularly of legislative, administrative and constitutional judiciary, further procedures and decisions of bodies of public authority;
  • work with the evolving positive legal regulation within the Constitutional Law and with judicature particularly in the area of consitutional and administrative judiciary
  • explain the constitutional-law concept of relation of National Law to International Law and Transnational Law;
  • use the newest knowledge of theory in professional practice.

The programme is intended particularly for those who want to engage in academic career and scientific work, alternatively for those who want to acquire the deeper theoretical knowledge in some of legal disciplines.


The study plan is created individually on the basis of agreement between the student and supervisor in compliance with the valid accreditation. The study plan is approved by the commission of discipline upon a proposal of supervisor. It contains the theme of the doctoral thesis, required courses (it means the courses bound to discipline and to its wider basis including the language), selective courses (it means the courses bound to pedagogical work and doctoral thesis) and requirements of supervisor. During the study (the standard duration of studies is four years) the student is obliged to complete all required courses and further selective courses to the extent of minimum 16 credits. The student is obliged to pass the state doctoral examination and submit the doctoral thesis on topic bound to the discipline for its defence.


The study is credited by the system ECTS and it is necessary to acquire at least 240 credits for its successful completion (minimum credit profit required for entry into further year of study is 20). The student is obliged to complete the state doctoral examination which usually takes place in third or fourth year of the study, it is oral, has a commission nature and its content consists of the themes of discipline courses. The study is then completed by the defence of the doctoral thesis which is an original scientific work drawn up on a topic specified by the study plan. Minimum required extent of the doctoral thesis is 150 pages, where it being understood that the thesis or its essential part will have been published in some of usual ways by the time of its defence (it means in form of peer-reviewed articles, monograph etc.)


Without a follow-up.


Field of study specifications

Field of Study: Constitutional Law and Theory of State
Abbreviation: USPS
Code: 6801V032
Type: doctoral degree programme
Degree: Ph.D.
Accreditation: to 31/12/2024
Programme: P6810 D-TPV4 Theoretical Legal Sciences (4-years)
Faculty of Law
Field of study guaranteed by:
Faculty of Law
Field guarantor:
doc. JUDr. Jan Svatoň, CSc.