History of the Law and Roman Law

Through the past towards the future. A little bit of (legal) history does not kill anybody.

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The main objective of the doctoral study "History of the Law and Roman Law" is to prepare the student for an independent creative scientific work. Within this study the student should acquire the theoretical basis of the discipline, achieve an overview of the European and Global trends in the discipline and develop the ability for application of the acquired knowledge in pedagogical and scientific work and practice. The graduate of the study programme will be prepared particularly for professional scientific work in the area of legal historical research, but he/she can apply his/her knowledge also in legislation, judiciary and other areas where deep theoretical basis is necessary.

After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:

  • look up and examine the current themes of legal history (romanistic) with use of scientific methods;
  • assess solidly the later legal regulations  including the applicable law with the knowledge of development of legal institutes from ancient times;
  • suggest the suitable solutions de lege ferenda;
  • conduct the legal history (Roman law) seminars;
  • prepare the supporting material for education;
  • deepen his/her knowledge of the discipline.
The programme is particularly intended for those who want to engage in academic career and scientific work, alternatively for those who want to acquire the deeper historical and theoretical knowledge in some of legal disciplines irrespective of a concrete legal profession.
The standard duration of the study is 4 years. The courses of the common ground for all disciplines and specialized courses of disciplines are taught and further duties are imposed to students. The courses of the common ground are: Initiation of preparation for doctoral thesis I-II, Preparation of doctoral thesis - publication I-IV, Preparation of doctoral thesis - theses I-IV, Preparation of doctoral thesis - selection I-IV, Doctoral thesis - I-II, The Bases of Scientific Work I-II, The Current Questions of Legal Science and practice I-II, Theoretical Legal Thinking I-II and Language I-II.

These specialized courses of the disciplines include: Legal History of Ancient Times, Legal History of the Middle Ages, Legal History of Modern times, Czech and Czechoslovakian Legal History 1848-1945, Czech and Czechoslovakian Legal History 1945-1990, History of Czech Public Law, History of Czech Private Law, History of Anglo-American Law, History of the Roman State, Legal Sources, Roman Law - Legal entities and objects of rights, Roman Law - Family Law, Roman Law - Right im rem, Roman Law - Obligations, Roman Law - Law of Succession, Roman Public Law, Exegesis of text and The Reception of Roman Law.

Further duties of the students are Auxiliary Pedagogical Work I-II and Pedagogical Work I-IV.

Auxiliary pedagogical work I-II and Pedagogical work I-IV, stated in connection with the study plan, can be considered for practical training.
The graduation requirements of the study are conditioned by successful completion of the final state doctoral examination and successful defence of the doctoral thesis.
There is no follow-up study programme to this study.

Field of study specifications

Field of Study: History of the Law and Roman Law
Abbreviation: DPRP
Code: 6801V040
Type: doctoral degree programme
Degree: Ph.D.
Accreditation: to 31/12/2024
Programme: P6810 D-TPV4 Theoretical Legal Sciences (4-years)
Faculty of Law
Field of study guaranteed by:
Faculty of Law
Field guarantor:
prof. JUDr. Ladislav Vojáček, CSc.