Dermatovenerology – Field of study catalogue MU
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Dermatovenerology“What I think is important, but what I know is crucial” |
Dermatovenereology is one of the essential fields of modern medicine with a very wide scope of activities. It is a comprehensive field that develops along with the advances in basic and applied research. In recent past, there has been a significant amount of new insights, approaches, and interpretations related to research in genomics, pharmacogenomics, and proteomic. The genetic and other underlying causes of a number of diseases, including oncological diseases, have become clearer; there have been new findings in skin physiology, immunology, and modern examination and treatment methods; and there has also been extensive research into the impact of dermatosis on the quality of life of the patients. Applied and clinical research has made it possible to introduce a number of new examination methods to assess the physical state of the skin (elastometry, skin conductance, TEWL, non-invasive examination of suspected tumour lesions using high-definition optical coherence tomography). The progress made in immunohistochemistry methods and PCR diagnostics in skin and venereal infections is invaluable. Another important area within dermatology is photobiology and phototherapy, including the basically new photodynamic therapy, which is exceptionally effective especially in dermato-oncology with no cumulative tissue toxicity. Targeted digital phototherapy with automated assessment of lesions has opened up new horizons in phototherapy. Current research into the oncological risks of cumulative UV radiation as well as the impact of D vitamin deficiency due to low sunlight exposure is very important both for medicine and for the society at large, while research into the quality of life of patients with skin conditions has caused a shift in our perception of a number of types of dermatosis, as it becomes clear that the patients’ quality of life suffers as much as in the case of oncological patients or patients with severe cardiovascular disease. There is also ongoing research into the application of new drugs and individualization of drug therapy in a number of drug groups. And finally, skin conditions and sexually transmitted infections that have hitherto been rare and unusual will become a new diagnostic and therapeutic challenge as more people come to Europe from various parts of Asia and Africa.
The doctoral study of dermatovenereology at the Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University aims to deepen the students’ theoretical knowledge of the field, including the pathophysiology of skin conditions, methods of independent research work, and research in etiopathogenesis, diagnostics, therapy, and prevention of dermatoses and in the patients’ quality of life. Graduates have the necessary theoretical knowledge and practical skills to diagnose, treat, and prevent both skin and venereal diseases; and as researches, they are able to work with scholarly sources, interpret the statistical results of their findings, write research publications, present their own research findings, collaborate with other researchers, and maintain interdisciplinary communication.
After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:
- Use the obtained theoretical knowledge and practical skills in diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of skin and sexually transmitted diseases.
- Carry out research based on his/her knowledge of basic scientific methods, process and evaluate the findings of the research, and obtain statistical data.
- Cooperate with experts from other disciplines, as he/she understands how skin is related to the other systems of the human body.
- Emphatically communicate with patients.
Graduates pursue various science research careers, further developing the topics of their theses both independently and in cooperation with research centres, other disciplines, and laboratories. Approximately one third of them later become associate professors and in general they contribute to further progress and development of dermatovenereology as a whole.
Courses common to all doctoral students (course description can be found in a separate appendix).
Required courses:
New Trends in Medical Immunology
Molecular Biology and Genetics
Selective courses (at least 2):
Clinical Data Analysis
New Trends in Pathophysiology
Acquisition of Scientific Information
Design and Analysis of Clinical Trials
Ethics in Research and Experiments
Computer network user
Specialized courses
Required courses:
Selective courses (at least 3):
Dermatological pharmacotherapy
Dermatological immunology
Dermatological allergology
Dermatological phlebology and lymphology
Dermatological histopathology
Other requirements
- During their first year of study, students submit a literature review relevant for the topic of their thesis and present the methods and objectives of their thesis at a public seminar at the clinics.
- Students create electronic study materials under the guidance of their supervisors (2 topics).
- Students regularly present their research findings at specialized seminars.
- During their studies, students must take part in at least 1 conference and present the results of their work via a talk or a poster.
- Students have to publish at least 1 original paper as first authors in an international scholarly journal with an IF or at least two papers in a scholarly journal included in an international database such as Medline, Scopus, etc. Abstracts and compilations do not count towards this total.
Credit system
240 credits for the whole study, out of which:
120 credits for writing the thesis
30 credits for published papers
20 credits per semester or 45 credits per two subsequent semesters
Practical training as such is not part of the study programme, as doctoral students are usually enrolled in residency programmes with their individual study plans. Students who already completed their residency usually work as physicians or senior consultants in hospitals or outpatient facilities.
To pass their doctoral state examination, students must show extensive knowledge of dermatology and venereology, primarily in the areas of skin physiology and pathophysiology, special dermatology, and new trends in diagnosing and treating skin and venereal diseases (for further details see chapter 5, section 31 of Masaryk University Study and Examination Regulations, as amended on 10 June 2013). Students also have to meet all the requirements stipulated by legislation. The language of the examination corresponds to the language of the study programme and students get grades according to the relevant section of the regulations (see above). Students are only allowed one resit of the doctoral state examination. Both the examination and the notice of the results are public.