Medical Biophysics

Exact reasoning in biomedical sciences

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The study of Medical Biophysics allows students to gain deeper understanding of the physical processes and principles used in medical and biomedical sciences. It cultivates thinking about living matter in ‘physical terms’ and besides the development of medical devices, it is also crucial when working with both diagnostic and therapeutic equipment and processing biosignals in the widest meaning of the word. Graduates can go on to careers in healthcare, university education, and basic and applied research facilities. Thanks to a systemic training in research techniques, data analysis, statistical methods, and publishing research findings, they can work as independent experts in science and research.

After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:

  • Work independently in biomedical technology labs.
  • Assess interactions of the human body with physical factors.
  • Work in healthcare as experts on measuring and processing biosignals.
  • Work with scholarly literature in their field and prepare it for publication.
  • Analyse biophysical risks, primarily with regard to biomedical equipment.
Graduates of Medical Biophysics are ready to work in clinical labs and departments that require working with medical devices, primarily diagnostic devices (imaging methods, processing biosignals, optometry, etc.), but also therapeutic devices (physiotherapy). They can also work in companies producing or supplying medical devices, laboratory instruments, and so on, as well as in university education within biophysics and related fields (physiology, biomolecular sciences, etc.), especially at medicine and healthcare faculties.
The standard length of the study programme is eight semesters. Before taking the doctoral state examination, students must earn a total of 240 credits for required courses and fulfil other requirements of the study (teaching, professional training, publications). Publications are an essential part of the programme – students must publish two papers as first authors in reviewed journals, one of which must have an impact factor. The papers must be approved for publication at the time when students register for the thesis defence.

During the course of their studies, students should follow the instructions of their supervisors, who help them structure their individual study plans, and the advice given by the respective board of doctoral studies. More details can be found in the doctoral study guidelines at the faculty’s website.

During the doctoral state exam, students answer questions of the examination board members regarding the biophysical context of their doctoral theses. Due to a wide range of thesis topics, there is no permanent list of questions; students will be given more details about the questions by the chair of the board.

As a part of the doctoral state exam, students defend their thesis, which must comply with the criteria of a scholarly text (citations, statistical processing of the results). The length of the thesis is not specified, but should be at least around 20,000 words.

Further requirements related to the doctoral state exam can be found in the Masaryk University Study and Examination Regulations.


Field of study specifications

Field of Study: Medical Biophysics
Abbreviation: LBIF
Code: 5103V021
Type: doctoral degree programme
Degree: Ph.D.
Accreditation: to 31/12/2024
Programme: P5181 D-BF4 Medical Biophysics (4-years)
Faculty of Medicine
Field of study guaranteed by:
Faculty of Medicine
Field guarantor:
prof. RNDr. Vojtěch Mornstein, CSc.