Theory and History of Theatre, Film and Audio-Visual Culture Studies – Field of study catalogue MU
Theory and History of Theatre, Film and Audio-Visual Culture Studies“Theatre Studies: All the world’s a stage. Film Studies: We see film from within.” |
The aim of the study programme is a systematic preparation for academic and scientific work in academic, research, and specialized institutions and universities or in the broader field of humanities, arts, media and cultural institutions.
The study programme is highly specialized and individualized, focused on scientific work and tailored to the needs of individual dissertation projects. The study plan consists of a set of dissertation seminars, leading to the completion of the thesis. The system of dissertation seminars is supported by a series of type A/required as well as type B/selective and type C/selective courses (including lectures in English, practical training, or an internship abroad). The dissertation project requires research with a premise and outcome that contribute to the field. The standards corresponds to those of a scientific education.
After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:
- have a complex and specialized overview in theory, methodology, and history of the field in the in the wider context of humanities and social sciences
- carry out innovative research projects and employ advanced research methods
- evolve theoretical and methodological specialties in relation to a researcher profile
- develop and manage projects
- work in expert, scientific, and academic teams
- develop publications, conference presentations, lectures, and other expert activities within the framework of both specialized and general public discourse
- function in international expert discourse and environments
1) Theatre studies: Required courses of professional training include subjects related to preparing students for professional teaching practice (30 credits), for professional activities in foreign languages and / or abroad (at least 20 credits), for professional publication practice (30 credits), for visiting lecturer courses in English (at least 20 credits), and for the preparation and presentation of a doctoral thesis (110 credits). The remaining credits are to be acquired from common type A/required courses and foreign language training.
2) Film studies: 30 credits for methodological training and foreign language (can be acquired through a preferred department alternative or in the form of a common type A/required course). 210 credits for type A/required as well as type B/ selective and type C/ elective courses including methodological seminars, teaching and publication practice, internship abroad, 4 visiting lecturers courses in English, and a set of 8 dissertation seminars, which provide the basis for the study curriculum. Practical training is optional.
2) Film studies: Students have to acquire publication practice I-III (to publish 3 papers in expert peer-reviewed journals, one of which should be a conference presentation) and teaching practice I-III (to prepare and carry out 3 courses) in a total sum of 30 credits. Students can also gain 20 additional credits for optional practical training. After consulting their advisor, students complete their practical training individually. They are advised to undergo such training in the second or third year of their studies.
1) the defence of the doctoral thesis, including two opponent reviews.
2) an exam based on the theory and history of the field, including topics from Czech and world history as well as various theoretical and methodological issues.
The dissertation thesis should present results contributing to the field.
Each part of the examination is evaluated individually. Both parts take place in one day; the defence is the first part and the examination is the second part.