Aesthetics – Field of study catalogue MU
Aesthetics“Understanding through art is the highest form of human understanding.” T. G. Masaryk |
The study programme in aesthetics is a modern university education that is unique for its transdisciplinary character and wide-ranging research in the humanities as well as for its value for general education and personal growth. It deals with works of art and human creativity from the perspective of their historical and cultural contexts and by analysing their inner structure and message. The programme deepens the students’ ability to read, understand, and appreciate works of art, as well as to interpret many adjunct social phenomena such as taste, beauty, value, form, and meaning. The programme improves various soft skills and communicative abilities. It contains and combines many areas of humanities and sciences from philosophy and literature, art and cultural history, up to cognitive science and the theory of mind.
After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:
- to understand, analyse, and explain the main theories of art and culture from historical and contemporary points of view, and to know the leading paradigms in cultural theory
- produce dignified written and oral communication in the fields of arts, literature, and culture
- demonstrating detailed knowledge of cultural identities and art history up to the present, including knowledge of aesthetic values, norms, and functions in the modern world
- conducting advanced research in the chosen field of study
More information can be found at
history of aesthetics, Czech aesthetics and structuralism, principles of scientific methodology in humanities, semiotics, European cultural history and literature, philosophy of art and beauty; soft skills, typing, editing, and dignified academic writing in Czech and English and other two languages.