General Linguistics

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This doctoral degree study programme is well suited for Master’s degree graduates of any philological study programme, as it allows scientific progress beyond the particular philological specializations. It is open for special methods of natural language study, including mathematical, sociological, and psychological methods.

The Department of Linguistics and Baltic Languages was established at the Faculty of Arts in 1995. It follows the line of general and comparative linguistics that was very vivid within the university from the very beginning. Following the tradition of European and world universities, the department focuses on various areas of general and comparative linguistics, both scientifically and pedagogically.

The scientific profile of the department subsumes various sub-disciplines of general and comparative linguistics, both in the synchronic and diachronic perspective. The current projects of particular teachers from the department is documented in their bibliography (see our web pages: Summary information with respect to current projects and teacher profiles, including their CVs, are on the web pages of MUNI. The information about possible doctoral degree thesis topics can be found there as well. The department collaborates with other philological departments of FF MU, with the Department of Philosophy, with the Institute of Czech Language (Academy of Sciences) and with some formal logical/mathematically oriented institutions from the other universities and academies of sciences in the Czech Republic and abroad.


After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:

  • analyse natural language structures at the phonological, morphological, syntactical, and semantical level
  • understand general principles of natural languages and comprehend the particular distinctions between them as well
  • work with formal and descriptive tools of linguistics, mathematics, and logic
Graduates of this doctoral degree study programme are prepared for further academic careers in philological and linguistic departments of Czech and other universities and academies of science. During their doctoral degree study, students present their research at European and Czech conferences. This gives them the practical soft skill of information packaging, with which they will be able to persuasively present at international forums. During their doctoral degree study programme, students have to teach Bachelor’s and Master’s degree study programme courses, which sharpens their pedagogical skills.
The standard duration of the internal doctoral degree study programme is four years (eight semesters). Students can then continue in the external doctoral degree study programme (or start with an external study programme from the beginning). The student continues in the doctoral degree programme until the doctoral degree thesis is completed. The actual profile and study plan are guaranteed by particular supervisors but every student of the doctoral degree programme has to complete some obligatory courses further specified on our web page, such as philosophy of language. At the end of the doctoral degree study programme, the student writes a doctoral degree thesis which is defended during the doctoral final degree examination.
Every student of the doctoral degree study programme has to present their research at international and Czech linguistic conferences.
Students approach the doctoral degree final state examination after they finish their doctoral degree thesis. During the state doctoral degree examination, students answer at least three topical questions (which they prepare for before the examination). The three questions are given by the head of the study programme committee in cooperation with a supervisor. Students who successfully pass the first part continue with the defence of the doctoral degree thesis. For each doctoral degree thesis, at least two external reviews plus one supervisor review are obligatory.

Field of study specifications

Field of Study: General Linguistics
Abbreviation: OJ
Code: 7310V115
Type: doctoral degree programme
Degree: Ph.D.
Accreditation: to 31/12/2024
Programme: P7315 D-FI4 Philology (4-years)
Faculty of Arts
Field of study guaranteed by:
Faculty of Arts
Field guarantor:
doc. PhDr. Mojmír Dočekal, Ph.D.