Polish Literature

Literature – the key to Polish culture and a comprehensive world view.

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The aim of this doctoral degree study programme is to prepare highly qualified experts in the field of Polish studies specializing in literary theory who will be capable of independent and creative research work, and who will find employment in specialized university workplaces or in one of the research institutes of the Czech Academy of Sciences which focus on scientific research or pedagogical work in the field of Slavonic philology specializing in Polish literature.

The framework for the content of the studies is the scientific research orientation of the place of study – in this case, the comparative analysis of relations in Slavonic literatures, developmental processes in Polish literature and culture, morphological transformations of literary genres, the history of Polish drama and theatre, reception of works of literature, Czech-Polish literary and cultural relations, translation issues, Polish literature in Těšín area, and so on.

The basic form of this doctoral degree study programme is an individual and systematic preparation for creative and expert work in the studied field under the individual supervision of an accredited supervisor.


After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:

  • work independently in scientific research in the field of Polish studies or Slavonic studies specializing in literary theory
  • produce pedagogical work in the field of teaching Polish literature or Polish and Slavonic literary theory at universities
  • work independently in creating study texts and teaching aids for teaching Polish literature
Graduates of the doctoral degree programme in Polish literature have obtained a very good knowledge of the history of Polish literature, including in comparative European and world contexts. They have a deep knowledge of the subject of their specialization and of at least one world language. Graduates are able to creatively form their opinions on subjects connected to their study programme and other related study programmes. They are also able to present their research findings in academic journals and in other types of publications. Graduates can find employment in all positions, especially in the humanities, for which philological and literary theoretical education is required – that means in all types of schools (primarily universities), in scientific institutions, in literary and art criticism, in translation, and in the media.
The basic form of this doctoral degree study programme is an individual and systematic preparation for creative and expert work in the studied field under the individual supervision of an accredited supervisor. This doctoral degree study programme includes methodological training, specialized training, and language learning.

Some general methodological training is taught to all of the doctoral degree students at the Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University. It is organized by the Department of Philosophy at the Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University. Some methodological training is provided within the students’ specific degree study programme.

The specialized training in general theory takes place in type A/required and type B/selective courses in general literary theory and in specialized issues of literary theory in Polish literature.

Language learning involves meeting the requirements of achieving a set level of language competence in one other world language.

A crucial part of this doctoral degree study programme is writing a doctoral dissertation under the individual supervision of an accredited supervisor. In addition to study obligations, the study programme involves meeting additional requirements, such as speaking at a conference, publishing a research paper, or participating in teaching students at the home department.

The studies are guided and supervised by the university credit system. The students have to earn at least 240 credits: 20 credits for the type A/required methodological courses, 4 credits for demonstrating the required language competence in a world language (English, French, German, Russian, or Spanish), 40 credits for type A/required courses of the chosen study programme, 6 credits for type B/selective theoretical courses, 20 credits for a one-semester internship in a foreign country, 110 credits for courses dealing with doctoral thesis preparation and submission, and 40 credits for research paper publication and conference participation.

The doctoral degree study programme is concluded by the doctoral final state examination in the chosen specialization before the doctoral final state examination board and the doctoral thesis defence. Both parts usually take place on the same date.

The organization, process and evaluation of the doctoral final state examination are specified in the MU Study and Examination Regulations (articles 30-33): http://www.muni.cz/general/legal_standards/study_examination_regulations


Field of study specifications

Field of Study: Polish Literature
Abbreviation: POLI
Code: 7310V125
Type: doctoral degree programme
Degree: Ph.D.
Accreditation: to 31/12/2024
Programme: P7315 D-FI4 Philology (4-years)
Faculty of Arts
Field of study guaranteed by:
Faculty of Arts
Field guarantor:
prof. PhDr. Ivo Pospíšil, DrSc.

Department of Slavonic Studies – study information:


Additional information about this field of study (in Czech):
