Public Policy and Human Resources – Field of study catalogue MU
Public Policy and Human Resources“We solve social problems and develop human potential.” |
After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:
- perform analytical and conceptual work in elaboration of the programmes in public policy in various fields, particularly those concerning welfare, employment and human resources;
- implement and administer public policy programes in the aforementioned fields;
- manage the institutions and organisations which implement such public policy programmes.
All students are required to complete at least one course taught in English from those offered the department for the given level of studies.
During the course of their studies students should follow the "Study catalogue" for their year of matriculation. They can access the "Study catalogue" through the faculty website.
First, the defense of the Bachelor thesis (7,500 - 18,000 words)
This is followed by a written exam covering the following two subjects (10 open questions in each): Public and Social Policy, and Basics of Theories of Organisation and Management.
Both parts of the exam take place in the same semester, each part on a separate day.