Modern Greek Language and Literature – Field of study catalogue MU
Modern Greek Language and Literature“Greek the language they gave me; poor the house on Homer's shores.” Odysseas Elytis |
After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:
- understand and apply research methods within a particular area of Modern Greek studies and related disciplines
- establish and carry out advanced research procedures and conduct original research that enriches current knowledge in a particular area
- carry out independent research activities (including self-evaluation)
- produce a substantial work that broadens the horizons of learning in a particular field of research
- present and defend the results of research in international context
- interpret and critically evaluate both Czech and foreign scholarly literature
According to their individual study plans, doctoral degree students take seminars on methodology, language courses (students complete this requirement either through the Language Centre of Masaryk University or through a lecture or a publication in a foreign language; the selected option must be approved by the doctoral committee and the supervisor) and seminars on language and literary theory.
The scholarly preparation of doctoral degree students involves type B/selective courses, individual consultations, and independent reading assignments in Modern Greek, including interpretations of the assigned texts. The preparation of a doctoral degree thesis is an essential part of the doctoral degree study programme. During the study programme, students must present the results of their research at least at one conference, workshop, or seminar, and publish at least one paper in a peer-reviewed journal or proceedings. Other publication results, such as book reports/reviews and translations, are welcome.
Doctoral degree students take selective courses (Special Lecture I-IV) after agreement with their supervisors. Type B/selective credit can also be obtained for a study stay abroad.
Doctoral degree final state examination
Doctoral final state examination: The doctoral student shall prepare the exposition and defence of five minor theses. These are chosen in coordination with the supervisor and submitted in writing (required length: 3-5 pages, including literature) at least two months before the planned date of the doctoral final state examination at the secretary of the Department of Classical Studies. Minor theses may not be similar in content to the topic of the doctoral thesis. The doctoral committee reserves the right to return insufficiently prepared materials for reworking. During the examination, the doctoral student shall present at least two minor theses and answer additional questions based on the requirements of the examination committee.