Business Management – Field of study catalogue MU
Recommended: Programmes catalogue
Newly accredited study programmes with plans.
Business Management“Explore the structure and functioning of enterprise in the world today.” |
The study programme is focused on the economics and management of a company as a whole and on its individual functions: production, personnel, scientific-technical, business, and economic-financial. The goal within the scope of the study programme is for students to understand factual, economic, organizational, informational, and managerial aspects of the processes within a company and of the relationships among these aspects. In addition to theoretical knowledge, students will develop the necessary skills for executive and managerial activities. Business and entrepreneurship issues are covered in the bachelor's degree at general level - the anchoring of general skills, and in the follow-up Master's degree is then further divided into three study directions (block orientation):
Block A - General management and marketing
Block B - Financial management and controlling
Block C - Operational management and logistics.
The aim of this study programme is a deeper understanding of the purpose and functioning of institutions, businesses, organizational structures, and management, economics, and finance. An important area is managing the analysis and design of control systems, including the use of computer technology and economic-mathematical methods. Part of the study programme involves learning the organizational and legal procedures for the creation, distribution, and merging of companies and other institutions.
After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:
- apply general methods of scientific work in the study of the field
- operate with professional style of expression in written and oral expression
- recognize the development of the world in broad philosophical context
- use this understanding to solve economic problems
- speak a good level of English and another world language, both in general and in the professional, economic-oriented terminology
- present and discuss in those languages; write reports and summaries
- apply tools of quantitative analysis for solving basic types of economic tasks
- interpret investigation results and separately find data and information
- explain the basic theoretical and methodological knowledge of general economic theory
- describe theoretical findings of business economics and management
- employ this knowledge to solve model and practical situations
- engage in teamwork solutions for model situations
- apply this knowledge in practice
- analyse a selected field of economy, manage real enterprise, and independently perform certain activities, such as bookkeeping, calculation, compilation, and evaluation of budgets, marketing plans, and so on
Graduates will be able to work as experts in different company departments, in mid-level managerial functions, and possibly as assistants to top company managers. They may also be management system analysts and planners, economic-organizational consultants, etc.
Graduates have managerial skills such as effective use of time, successful negotiations with trading partners, creating a public image, effective meeting management, effectively motivating employees, the art of dealing with people, and the general communication skills that enable them to play leading managerial roles.
The standard duration of studies is six semesters. For admittance to the final state examination, students must earn a total of 180 ECTS credits for type A/required, type B/selective, and type C/elective courses. Type A/required courses constitute the basis of the discipline and their share is the largest part of credits (including credits for courses focused on writing a Bachelor’s thesis). Students choose type B/selective courses according to their interests and intended professional specialization. The remaining credits can be earned from type C/elective courses offered in the curriculum of the given study programme or from other courses offered by any other study programme. The total minimum number of credits is defined by the study and examination regulations of Masaryk University, the guidance note about the general study requirements, and the current study catalogue. Students can access the study catalogues through the faculty website.
The final state examination has three parts: the Bachelor’s thesis defence, an examination in a special subject, and an examination in Economics. The examination lasts about 60 minutes, with the thesis defence occupying the first half. The student presents the Bachelor’s thesis, then they are read the opinions of the supervisor and the opponent, everything closes with answering the questions raised by those opinions and a general debate of the Bachelor’s thesis with committee members. The Bachelor’s thesis usually has two basic parts: theoretical, representing special outcomes; and practical, solving managerial problem defined in a concrete company. Within the bounds of the Bachelor’s thesis, the student demonstrates the ability to write a coherent academic text, including the ability to find, analyse, and propose concrete solutions to a practical and specific problem of real company or organization.
Within the bounds of the final state examination of a specialized subject, the student draws a selected question on the topic of Management and one from Corporate Economics. After a few minutes to prepare, there is an ongoing debate on particular issues. The level of required knowledge corresponds to the level of Economy of Organizations, Corporate Economics, and Management 1. This is followed by the Examination in Economics. Again, the student draws a prepared question, prepares, and answers. The level of required knowledge corresponds to the level of Microeconomics 1 and Macroeconomics 1.
After completing the Bachelor’s degree study programme, it is possible to continue further studies in the Master’s degree study programme in Economy and Management or Business Management.