Literature and Interculture Communication – Field of study catalogue MU
Literature and Interculture Communication“Literature helps us understand the world around us.” |
After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:
- master vital knowledge and skills in literary science, linguistics, the science of culture, and media theory and practice
- master the history of Czech literature and relevant foreign literatures since the late 1800s in a wide artistic, historical, and philosophical context
- analyse and interpret literary and media discourse in Czech and in a foreign language of their choice
- critically evaluate texts regarding their usability in different media
- translate a foreign text into Czech; adapt a text or information into any required genre in terms of composition, style, and discourse
- proofread and edit any type of text (printed, internet, digital, multimedia)
- formulate critical and commercial texts covering a wide range of practical situations (semantic analysis of translation, translation criticism, literary review, expert opinion, annotation, and web presentation)
- understand a literary text in the context of other kinds of art (fine arts, music, film)
During the course of their studies, students should follow the study catalogue valid for their year of matriculation. The study catalogues for the individual years of matriculation are available at the Faculty of Arts website.
Type A/required: oral examination in Czech literature and culture in an international context from the early 20th century to the present.
Type B/selective: students will apply a methodological or theoretical conception of their own choice (from literary theory, literary studies, intermediality, or adaptation studies) to an analysis of a specific text or work of art.
Type C/elective: students will apply a methodological or theoretical conception of their own choice (from theory and strategy of communication or translation studies) to an analysis of a specific text or work of art.