Chemistry of Conservation - Restoration

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The Master's study programme of Chemistry of Conservation - Restoration prepares university educated specialists who, during their study, develop their basic knowledge and skills in natural sciences (especially chemistry), materials, processes and methodologies of conservation-restoration of artefacts made of inorganic and organic materials. The study is focused mainly on advanced techniques of material survey and advanced processes and methodologies in conservation-restoration. The aim of the study is to educate specialists who will be able, besides common tasks (analyses, determination of level of degradation, proposals and performance of suitable way of intervention, preventive conservation, documentation etc.), to find their use in the field of research and development. Owing to their education graduates are able to design experiments and model tests and on the basis of obtained results to develop new processes, technologies, materials and agents (not only) in the field of cultural heritage care.

After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:

  • show a good knowledge of laboratory techniques
  • work with sources of scientific information
  • handle (dangerous) chemical substances
  • propose and perform (advanced) instrumental analyses and surveys and to interpret their results
  • show a good knowledge of advanced processes and methodologies used in the field of cultural heritage preservation
  • approach comprehensively solving chemical and physical problems
  • publish the results of their work in scientific literature and present them at scientific meetings
Owing to an advanced training in chemistry of conservation-restoration combined with museology, graduates are able to work in institutions concerned with the preservation of cultural heritage, e.g. museums, galleries, libraries, archives etc. Graduates can also find employment in research and development not only in the field of cultural heritage preservation (development of new processes, technologies, agents, etc.) but in chemical research and development in general.
While drawing up a plan of study students must follow Study and Examination Regulations of the faculty and Rules and Conditions for Setting up Study Plans for a particular study programme.

The study plan is comprised of compulsory, semi-optional and optional courses, or others. Students must choose some of the courses from the semi-optional set so that they can earn a minimum number of credits required for semi-optional courses for each semester. The remaining credits can be achieved for recommended optional courses.

Students must attend C7777 Chemical Substances Handling course every year. In the first semester attending the lecture is compulsory and students have to pass a test as well. In subsequent years the lecture is optional but the test must be sat every year. There is no credit for the C7777 course.

During the first semester students have to choose a topic of a Master's thesis offered by individual departments. Students work on their diploma theses during the whole study under the leadership of their supervisor.

Practical training in the field of conservation-restoration (in a museum or similar institution) is a compulsory part of the study.
1) Passing all subjects according to the plan of study.

2) Defending one's own diploma work (thesis).

3) Passing the oral final state examination. The examination is divided into three parts - chemistry and methods of survey, methods of conservation-restoration (stone, ceramics, glass, textile, plasma, metals...) and museology, chemistry of polymers.

Graduates of chemistry have theoretical knowledge and practical skills that allow them to follow up with a PhD study of chemistry or other related natural or technical sciences at universities in our country or abroad. Also, they can find a place for a further study at other institutions focused on research and development (for example Academy of Sciences).

Field of study specifications

Field of Study: Chemistry of Conservation - Restoration
Abbreviation: ChkR
Code: 1407T013
Type: Advanced Master's state examination
Degree: RNDr.
Accreditation: to 31/12/2024
Programme: R1407 Rig-CH Chemistry
Faculty of Science
Field of study guaranteed by:
Faculty of Science