Czech Language with Orientation on Computational Linguistics

For students who like the Czech language and are not afraid of computers. For students who like computers and are not afraid of the Czech language.

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This is a single-subject degree study programme aimed at deepening and enlarging knowledge in linguistically-oriented Czech studies and computational processing of natural language. It is aimed especially at graduates from the Bachelor’s degree study programme, but it is open to students of similar degree study programmes who pass the entrance test. Type B/selective and type C/elective courses are taught in cooperation between the Faculty of Arts and the Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University, and the Natural Language Processing Centre, Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University. The aim is to prepare experts with a complex education, and to prepare them for a practical and for an academic career. The focus in the Master’s degree study programme is on student participation in research projects in the workplace (participation in projects, conferences, publishing) as well as on cooperation with subjects from the sphere relating to applications in South Moravia (stays, workshops). The rich offer of study stays abroad (Erasmus+, CEEPUS) is emphasized. Great attention is paid to preparing a quality diploma thesis, often focused on issues that can only be solved in practice. Education in the Master’s degree study programme is aimed at preparing graduates with a good command of Czech studies with a focus on language, computational and corpus linguistics, excellent orientation in computational technologies, competences for communication in Standard Czech and English, and abilities for team work, thus equipping them to hold higher positions.

After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:

  • use complex academic knowledge from the spheres of linguistically-oriented Czech studies and informatics as a prerequisite for the doctoral degree study programme
  • understand linguistic theories and concepts and the methodology of work with texts and deal with assigned topics in a written form using independently chosen methods
  • work with a wide range of Czech and foreign scholarly sources
  • have a very good command of a codified form of standard Czech and use communication skills in written and oral communication on a very high level (with a focus on scholarly discourse)
  • describe natural language algorithmically
  • use programming languages when working on specific tasks
Students of this degree study programme frequently obtain their first professional skills during their studies thanks to short-term work and connections with cooperating companies. Companies from the field of information technologies focused on work with natural language and gaining information from texts, such as Google,, and Moravia, are ideal places for graduates in computational linguistics. Graduates from the Master’s degree study programme are appreciated for their good knowledge of Czech, practical experience with computational processing of natural language, and a qualified insight into the world of information technologies. Graduates can find jobs relating to Czech, English, and other languages (proof-reading, copywriting, technical writing, localization), as well as in IT companies, such as Red Hat (with a focus on programming and developing applications). A very good knowledge of Czech, communication skills, an ability to work independently as well as with team members, and an orientation in the world of information technologies (from an expert overview to the knowledge of programming) are much appreciated in practice. A good knowledge of English and other languages is another great advantage. The Master’s degree study programme provides students with a deeper knowledge of the field, a wider range of contacts with the practical sphere, and a lot of other experience, including experience from study stays abroad. All this means an opportunity to gain a more varied choice of positions in the employment market, with the potential to hold higher positions. Talented graduates who are interested in further education gain a theoretical and methodological background for the doctoral degree study programme in linguistics and informatics.
The degree study programme is conceived as a programme lasting two years (four semesters) and is completed with the Master’s final state examination. To be able to take the final state examination, students must earn 120 credits for type A/required, type B/selective, and type C/elective courses taught at the Faculty of Arts and at the Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University. Type A/required courses are strictly set in the accreditation. The choice of type B/selective courses is modified according to the current development of the discipline, requirements from the practical sphere, and possibilities of the individual departments. Type B/selective courses are chosen by students from three groups of courses – group I (computational linguistics, courses taught at the Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University), group II (Czech, courses taught at the Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University), and group III (informatics, courses taught at the Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University). Type C/elective courses can be chosen from courses taught at the Faculty of Arts, the Faculty of Informatics, and other faculties of Masaryk University.

Students follow recommendations for the course of their studies as published in the Masaryk University Information System and on the website of their degree study programme.

The Master’s final state examination takes place in an oral form in front of a three-member examination board. Students prove their knowledge in three spheres: 1) Czech language, 2) mathematics and informatics, and 3) computational and corpus linguistics. Questions are based on topics posted on the website of the degree study programme. A defence of the Master’s thesis in the form of a student presentation is also a part of the final state examination.
After completion of the Master’s degree study programme, it is possible to continue further studies in the doctoral degree study programme of Czech Language at the Faculty of Arts or of Informatics at the Faculty of Informatics at Masaryk University.

Field of study specifications

Field of Study: Czech Language with Orientation on Computational Linguistics
Abbreviation: PLIN
Code: 7310T326
Type: master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one)
Degree: Mgr.
Accreditation: to 31/12/2024
Programme: N7310 N-FI Philology
Faculty of Arts
Field of study guaranteed by:
Faculty of Arts

Website of the Department of Czech Language, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University:
