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The paramedic programme aims to prepare graduates able to perform independent work without supervision and provide urgent care in the scope for which they are authorized by current legislation. Graduates are entitled to provide specific nursing care for individuals, families or groups of patients based on their own assessment and decision and in accordance with a doctor’s or any other qualified expert’s diagnosis and instructions. This care must be provided within the scope of the competences set out by Act No. 96/2004 Coll., as amended, Decree 55/2011 Coll., on the activities of health workers and other professionals and Act No. 374/2011 Coll., on emergency medical services.

Graduates are prepared to contribute actively to protection of public health and to educate individuals and groups on taking care of their health, including mediating knowledge and skills necessary for providing first aid. They have theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the field of medicine and also the humanities, as well as skills acquired during practical training which are necessary to perform preventive, curative and educational activities. They are able to meet patients’ needs within both pre-hospital care and urgent care provided in a hospital. They can participate actively and independently in diagnostic and therapeutic care. They have the potential to collaborate with other health care workers and members of the Integrated Rescue System. They also possess skills necessary for additional personal and professional growth.

Graduates are prepared to follow the rules of health care ethics and standards of nursing care, and respect patients’ privacy and their rights. Gaining professional qualification is a prerequisite for obtaining the certificate which entitles its holders to carry out their profession without supervision and register as paramedic staff.

Graduates are also prepared for the profession of a medical assistant in accordance with § 29 of Act No. 96/2004 (as amended). This programme follows current study programmes in EU countries.

The symbol of emergency medical services is known as the “star of life”, the interpretation of which fully characterizes the work of paramedics. Each of the points represents one of the six functions of the rescue chain: evaluation of the situation, notification, departure, out-of-hospital acute medical care, and care during transportation and transport to definitive care. The snake and the Rod of Asclepius are traditional symbols of medicine and medical professionals.


After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:

  • provide specific nursing care without any supervision and without a doctor’s directive within out-of-hospital acute medical care, including air ambulance service; anaesthesiology and critical care; and emergency departments;
  • monitor and evaluate vital signs including recording EKG, continuous monitoring and evaluating of rhythm disorders, examination and monitoring by pulse oximeter;
  • initiate and perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation using manual resuscitation bags, including cardiac defibrillation by electric discharge after EKG recording;
  • secure peripheral venous access, apply intravenously crystalloid solutions and administer intravenous solution with glucose to a patient with proven hypoglycaemia;
  • perform initial laboratory tests and evaluate them; operate and maintain facilities in all categories of vehicles, drive vehicles even in difficult driving conditions with the use of sirens and flashers;
  • perform initial wound treatment, stop bleeding, provide or perform safe extrication, positioning, immobilization, and transport of patients, ensuring their safety while transporting them;
  • perform actions within the scope of their professional knowledge and responsibilities when dealing with consequences of mass casualties as a part of their job in the integrated rescue system, ensure that the bodies of the deceased are taken care of if ne
  • accept handover, check and store medicines, provide adequate supply of medicines; accept handover, check and store medical supplies and linen, ensure disinfection, sterilization and adequate supply of medical supplies;
  • perform urgent interventions during an ongoing birth; receive, record and evaluate emergency calls in terms of the severity of a patient's health condition and the degree of urgency, ensure that emergency calls are responded to while using telecommunicat
  • provide telephone instructions on first aid and other necessary guidance using an appropriate psychological approach;
  • provide airway management with available tools, administer and maintain inhaled oxygen therapy, secure mechanical ventilation with parameters determined by a doctor; maintain the airways of a patient with artificial pulmonary ventilation;
  • administer medicines including blood derivatives; assist with application of transfusion, treat the patient during the time the transfusion is administered and terminate it;
  • perform bladder catheterization in adults and girls over 10 years; take biological material for examination; assist with delivery and implementation of the first treatment of a newborn, secure intraosseous access.
  • It carries out other activities within the scope of its professional competence in accordance with § 17 of Decree No. 55/2011 Coll.
The graduate and bachelor degree holder is a qualified paramedic who is able to provide both independently and in a team individualized care to people or groups of people in acute life-threatening situations and perform specialised tasks of emergency medicine in all levels of the integrated rescue system, in state and private establishments and institutions in the Czech Republic and EU countries.

Job opportunities:

Inpatient health care facilities:

– Department of Anaesthesiology and Resuscitation

– Emergency Department

Pre-hospital care:

- Emergency medical services, including central operational centres

- Other levels of the integrated rescue system.

The graduates are also ready to practice the nursing profession (according to § 21b), the nurse (according to § 36g), the healthcare transport driver (according to § 40 2b) and the sanitarium (according to § 42 2b), pursuant to Act No. 96/2004 Coll. , as amended.

Characteristics of study subjects are based on Decree No. 39/2005 Coll. (in the current version). Subjects are divided into those that provide the basis for the provision of urgent health care; another group consists of subjects focused on clinical and other specific fields related to the provision of emergency care; there are also included subjects of social and other related fields and an integral part of practical teaching providing skills and knowledge in pre-hospital emergency care, where practical training takes place in emergency care facilities, including workplaces that have the character of acute intake, as well as in outpatient health care facilities and workplaces of other components of the integrated rescue system.

The curriculum is designed to enable students to master the practical skills required to practice, backed by the necessary theoretical knowledge. The content reflects the specifics of the need to work with practice.

Students are guided by the study catalog of their matriculation year. Access to the study catalogs of individual matriculation years is available on the pages of the Faculty of Medicine.

A compulsory part of the programme is practical training. Professional training is led by supervisors at clinics and emergency medical service stations. The total length of direct professional experience is 1,653 hours, and is accompanied by practical exercises. The training begins in the second semester and is preceded by the subject of Nursing and Nursing in emergency care. Practical training is divided into five semesters. The first block of training focuses on the consolidation of theoretical knowledge and practice within nursing care in standard departments of healthcare facilities, in operational centres of emergency medical services and in emergency medical services itself. Students briefly visit the departments of endoscopy, angiology, haemodialysis, emergency and trauma surgery, and paediatrics. Students are also introduced to the basics of fire brigade work.

The next block of training is focused on the departments of anaesthesia, psychiatry, intensive care, care for premature new-borns and medical rescue services. The last block takes place in the departments of resuscitation, and emergency, burn unit, delivery room, anaesthesia and medical rescue services. The Faculty of Medicine provides students with places for training in accredited medical facilities with which it has carried out long-term cooperation.

Students must follow the requirements given by the study plan and the Study and Examination Regulations of Masaryk University which determine the course of the study programme and graduation. The studies can be completed after fulfilling the aims of the programme and obtaining the required number of credits (at least 180) within the maximum length of the studies.

Students can apply for taking the final state exam after they fulfil all requirements of the study programme.

The final state exam consists of an oral exam and a defence of a Bachelor’s thesis 30–90 pages in length. The oral examination comprises three parts: the first one includes topics in the field of humanities (psychology, ethics, management, nursing and multicultural nursing), the second part tests knowledge from clinical courses and emergency medicine and the third part is of a more practical nature. During the third part, students demonstrate their practical skills of performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation including pulmonary ventilation which is evaluated by a specific computer simulator. Then students draw a question which focuses on a practical aspect and deals with a case history from pre-hospital emergency care. They demonstrate their ability to obtain an adequate medical history from the patient, to examine the patient and provide a differential diagnosis, and to provide adequate care and transport to a suitable hospital. In all three parts, students draw one question. The exam checks factual knowledge, skills and knowledge of the topics from the set of questions and literature assigned for the state exam.

Graduates of this bachelor studies can continue in master studies of the same field after meeting the conditions for admission.

Commonly students choose fields focusing on education (teaching for secondary medical schools), health care management, crisis management, and protection of the population.


Field of study specifications

Field of Study: Paramedic
Abbreviation: ZACH
Code: 5345R021
Type: Bachelor's degree programme
Degree: Bc.
Accreditation: to 31/12/2024
Programme: B5345 B-SZ Specializations in Health Science
Faculty of Medicine
Field of study guaranteed by:
Faculty of Medicine
Field guarantor:
MUDr. Dagmar Seidlová, Ph.D.

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