Applied Geography and Geoinformatics

Geography helps us understand natural and societal relations

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The Bachelor's study programme of Applied Geography and Geoinformatics provides an integrated university education in geography, geoinformatics, and regional development, or the area of sustainable development (depending on a specialization). The graduates are prepared for particular practical activities in those disciplines. The objectives of the study programme of Applied Geography and its specializations (geoinformatics and regional development and geoinformatics and sustainable development) are to provide a student with basic geographical knowledge in physical geography, human geography, methods and techniques of geographical data analysis including GIS and cartographic visualization, geoinformatics, and regional and sustainable development. This knowledge and skills allow students to work in various career fields and positions without the need for further education or retraining.

The qualification in Applied Geography leads to a complex geographical understanding of a landscape that is formed as an intersection of natural, social, and economic processes. The graduates are able to communicate with experts in related branches, which is necessary for the successful solution of tasks and problems in the areas of regional development and sustainable development.


After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:

  • apply basic knowledge and skills in physical geography, human geography, cartography, fundamentals of sociology, economics, urbanism and territorial planning needed for solving the issues related to the regional development
  • communicate smoothly using the modern computational technologies (CT), solve particular geographical tasks using CT, and formalize them using the higher programme languages
  • apply basic knowledge to working with a map, sources of statistical information, and literature
  • communicate with representatives of municipalities, regions and civil initiatives, communication with specialists from private companies
  • apply knowledge of the modern trends in geoinformatics, especially in the area of geographical data processing and analysis
  • gain an orientation in computer cartographic production, and in the basic map works of the Czech Republic
  • set up databases of spatially localised data in required structure and their assessment based on questionaires
  • apply knowledge of basic analytical methods of spatially localized data
  • apply knowledge of principles of present regional policy in the Czech Republic and EU and applly this knowledge in the course of the preparation of concrete projects
  • apply principles of sustainable development in preparation and realisation of individual projects
The graduates of this study programme may find employment as environmentalists or regionalists, and as advisers in the public and private companies. They can also work in state administration, including the connection to the EU - municipal, metropolitan, district or regional administration, departments of environment, construction and regional development, GIS administration, zoning planning, tourism development, and also at land registry offices, in private companies - data processing, client service, and consultancy services in the field of data processing. After the successful entrance examination the graduates may continue to study in the Master's study programme of Applied Geography.
Study plans of programmes at the Faculty of Science of Masaryk University follow the Dean's Regulation no. 8/2012 - Teaching and Creation of Study Programmes. Rules binding for studies are given in the Course Catalogue of the matriculation year. The students who follow it are granted the recommended sequence of the follow-up courses, and meeting all the requirements needed for the successful completion of the university studies in the course of a standard period of study.

The standard duration of the Bachelor's study programme of Applied Geography is 6 terms. To be able to enrol in the second and higher terms the students must obtain at least 20 credits in the last term or at least 45 credits in the last two terms in total.

For the enrolment in the first and second term of the Bachelor's study the recommended study plan of required courses is binding. An obligatory time sequence of individual subjects is defined by the conditions that are listed in the Information System.

The students must obtain a total of 149 ECTS credits for required, selective and elective geographical courses including the Bachelor's thesis. The geographical recommended elective courses are denoted as Z% code in the Information System.

Practical training (at least in the duration of one week) at selected institutions or departments forms an integral part of the study plan. This training is organized by the Department of Geography, or, alternatively, students may find a suitable work place of their own choice. In this case the Department has to approve such a selection.
To be admitted to the final state examination students must obtain a total of 180 ECTS credits for required, selective and elective courses.

The Bachelor's thesis forms and integral part of the Bachelor's degree programme - it proves the ability of a student to solve medium difficult geographical problems independently, including working with literature, data compilation, analysis, and interpretation. The Bachelor's state examination has two parts – defence of the Bachelor's thesis and knowledge examination (written and oral parts). The knowledge examination has a complex nature; the list of basic topics can be found at the web page of the Department of Geography (

After completion of the Bachelor's study programme of Applied Geography students can continue in further studies in any Master's degree programme (after satisfying the admission requirements). At the Department of Geography at the Faculty of Science students can apply for admission to a follow-up Master's degree programme of Applied Geography.

Field of study specifications

Field of Study: Applied Geography and Geoinformatics
Abbreviation: APGI
Code: 1302R012
Type: Bachelor's degree programme
Degree: Bc.
Accreditation: to 31/12/2024
Programme: B1305 B-AG Applied Geography
Faculty of Science
Field of study guaranteed by:
Faculty of Science
Field guarantor:
prof. RNDr. Petr Dobrovolný, CSc.