Laboratory and Measuring Technology – Field of study catalogue MU
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Newly accredited study programmes with plans.
Laboratory and Measuring Technology“Measurement is the basis of science” |
This vocational Bachelor's study programme of Laboratory and Measurement Technology focuses on applied physics disciplines with the possibility to specialize in the areas of astrophysics and medical physics, supposing the direct involvement of the graduates in the practice.
At present it is evident that modern and thus expensive and sophisticated devices have been implemented in all human activities. In many branches the most qualified workers often operate the devices although this is not always necessary. After overcoming the first problems with the installation of a new device, the equipment is usually used in a routine regime, which requires just the basic management of the device. So, the main goal of this study programme is to educate graduates who will be familiar with principles of measurements by means of typical equipment used in various branches, and be able to operate devices which they see for the first time. A special attention will be paid to typical devices used in physics, geology, and chemistry.
The proposed study programme offers a qualitatively higher level of education than just a routine operation of devices - understanding of the principles of the device operation and its maximum use, designing new and adjusted measurement techniques, making informed decisions on the possible device upgrades, and others.
After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:
- show a higher level of understanding than that needed for the routine operation and control of equipments
- show understanding of principles of how an apparatus works and how to use it effectively, develop new devices adapted for concrete measurement procedures, qualified suggestions for the upgrade of a device, and others
- master fundamental principles of electronics, measurement technology, microwaves, trace element analysis, analytical methods used in chemistry, analysis of minerals and rocks, as well as methods of collecting and statistical processing of data
- obtain an overview and practical experience in diagnostic and analytical methods based on principles in physics and modern equipment (electron microscopy, X-ray analysis of samples, resonance methods, and others)
Due to physics and mathematical bases which they have acquired within the study programme regardless of the specialization the graduates can participate in basic and applied research in the state and governmental departments, work in specialized laboratories and company laboratories, metrology institutions, and others.
The graduates can find employment in specialized diagnostic laboratories using modern equipment, in state testing institutions, in technological production processes, and others. The graduates may operate devices and provide their qualified maintenance, and also process and interpret data. The graduates will be responsible for the smooth and economical operation of several sophisticated devices in the workplace.
The standard duration of studies is six semesters. To be admitted to the final state examination students must earn at least 180 ECTS credits for required, selective and elective courses. Required and selective courses (including courses focusing on writing a Master’s thesis) constitute the basis of the discipline and make up approximately 140 credits (the exact number of credits depends on the choice of particular selective courses). The remaining credits can be earned in optional courses offered in the study plan of the given study programme or from other courses offered by any other study programme.
For all students there is an obligation to pass an examination in English for specific purposes, and get two credits for sport activities.
During the course of their studies students should follow the Course Catalogue for their study programme. The Course Catalogues are accessible through the faculty website.
The final state examination consists of the following individually classified parts: defence of the Master’s thesis, written examination, and oral examination.
In the Master's thesis the students prove that they are able to solve problems in physics of a medium level of difficulty. The Master's thesis usually has an experimental nature. In this case the preparation of the thesis includes designing the experiment, managing the laboratory technology, data processing, and interpretation of results.
The written examination should show that the candidate is able to solve tasks of the medium difficulty in relation to the tasks set in the disciplines of the course of general physics.
The questions of the oral part of the examination are divided into two areas. In the first area the candidates should prove that they are able to
- understand the general ideas of physical description of reality and concrete formulation of these ideas in individual disciplines of general physics;
- understand the fundamental concepts of these disciplines and their mutual connections; and
- analyse particular problems in physics, formulate their mathematical description, and propose related experiments including their evaluation and interpretation of results.
In the second area the candidate should prove the understanding of fundamentals of the selected study programme.
After completion of the Bachelor's studies, it is possible to continue further studies in any Master's degree programme (after satisfying the admission requirements).