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Nanotechnology - Applied Physics

Giant potential of the microscopic world

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Nanotechnologies are the applications of nanoscience studying matter at the atomic and molecular level, where its properties differ significantly from those in larger dimensions. It is expected that in the coming years, nanotechnology will affect almost all industries. The number of scientific institutes, associations and private companies that can harness the potential of nanotechnology is significantly increasing in the Czech Republic now. Although modern nanotechnology builds on the knowledge of chemistry, biology, medicine and other disciplines, an important role in its development belongs primarily to applied physics. The aim of this discipline is to prepare graduates who will be familiar with the theory, diagnostic methods and a wide variety of potential applications with respect to their physical nature.

Students graduating in Nanotechnology – Applied Physics master, besides basic knowledge and skills of core subjects, fundamental principles of electronics and deposition of semiconductor structures as well as nanostructures, surface analysis, plasma and nanotechnological treatment of materials, deposition procedures and measurement techniques. Graduate students obtain an overview and practical experience of diagnostic and analytical methods for deposition and diagnostics of nanolayers and nanostructures (electron microscopy, mechanical tests including tribology and nanoindentation methods, surface analysis, mass spectroscopy, XPS, FTIR, OEM, X-ray diagnostics, etc.).


After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:

  • understand the basic fields of physics
  • understand the theory, diagnostic methods and a wide area of potential applications of nanotechnologies with respects to their physical nature
  • apply knowledge of surface treatment and the deposition of nanolayers, including materials with atypical properties
  • show a good knowledge of nanotechnologies used in practice

The graduates of this study programme are prepared to study for the Master's degree in Physics. Thanks to physical-mathematics and chemical basis provided within the programme enhanced with nanotechnology studies, graduates can find employment in both basic and applied research of nationwide and departmental nature, as well as in laboratories and businesses using high-tech nanotechnology and others. Graduates of this type of education are well suited for positions that will ensure rapid transfer of technologies into practice and their smooth operation.


The standard duration of studies is six semesters. To be admitted to the final state examination students must obtain a total of at least 180 ECTS credits for required, selective and elective courses. Required and selective courses (including courses focused on writing a Bachelor’s thesis) constitute the basis of the discipline and make up approx. 140 credits (the exact number of credits depends on the choice of particular selective courses). The remaining credits can be obtained for optional courses offered in the curriculum of the given study programme or for other courses offered by any other study programme.

For all students there is an obligation to pass an exam in English for Specific Purposes at the B1 level according to CEFR (JA001) and to get two credits for sport activities.

During the course of their studies students should follow the Course Catalogue for their programme of study. The Course Catalogues are accessible through the faculty website.


The final state examination consists of the following individually classified parts: the defence of a Bachelor’s thesis, a written exam and an oral exam in physics.

By preparation of their Bachelor's theses, students prove that they are able to solve a physical problem at a middle level of difficulty. Bachelor's theses usually are of an experimental character. In this case the preparation of a thesis includes the design of an experiment, managing the experimental technique, data treatment and interpretation of results.

The written exam should show that a candidate is able to solve tasks at the level of class exercises in the core disciplines of General Physics.

The questions of the oral part of the exam are divided to two areas. In the first area the candidate should prove that he/she is able to

- understand the general ideas of physical description of the reality and concrete formulations of these ideas in individual disciplines of general physics

- understand the fundamental concepts of these disciplines and their mutual connections

- analyze particular physical problems, characterize them mathematically and propose relevant experiments, including their evaluation and interpretation of results.

In the second area the candidate should prove understanding of fundamentals of the selected programme of study.


After completion of the Bachelor's studies, it is possible to continue further studies with any Master's degree programme (after satisfying the admission requirements). At the Faculty of Science students can apply for admission to a follow-up Master's degree in Plasma Physics.


Field of study specifications

Field of Study: Nanotechnology - Applied Physics
Abbreviation: NAN
Code: 1702R026
Type: Bachelor's degree programme
Degree: Bc.
Accreditation: to 31/12/2024
Programme: B1702 B-AF Applied Physics
Faculty of Science
Field of study guaranteed by:
Faculty of Science
Field guarantor:
prof. RNDr. Mirko Černák, CSc.