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The goal of the study is to give applicants the basics of general, experimental and theoretical physical education and good orientation in theoretical and experimental areas of astrophysics, and the know-how about giving their results to the public.

After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:

  • demonstrate the basic knowledge of mathematics, physics and astrophysics, so that he/she can continue with his/her Master's and doctoral study of the astrophysics or physics
  • popularize astrophysics and other related sciences and communicate with the public, so that he/she can become a lecturer of an observatory and planetarium or a museum, a PR manager or a press spokesperson
  • become a nature writer or an editor of a news magazine focused on science
  • master astrophysical observational techniques, so that he/she can be employed as an observer in astronomical institutes or departments
Thanks to math basics completed in the programme independently from the choice of a specialization, graduates can find jobs in basic and applied research of nationwide or departmental nature, in laboratories, companies, special laboratories, metrological institutions, institutions using informatics, etc. Their specialization in astrophysics makes them qualified demonstrators of science. They can also participate in research that uses astronomical observations.
The standard duration of studies is six semesters. To be admitted to the final state examination, students must obtain a total of 180 ECTS credits for required, selective and elective courses. Required courses constitute the basis of the discipline and make up 141 credits (including credits for courses focused on writing a Bachelor’s thesis). Students choose semi-optional courses, which make up 3-6 credits in total, according to their interest and intended professional specialization. The remaining 33-36 credits can be obtained for optional courses offered in the curriculum of the given study programme or for other courses offered by any other study programme.

During the course of their studies students should follow the Course Catalogue for their year of matriculation. They can access the Course Catalogues through the faculty website.

Practical courses are optional.
The final state examination consists of a written exam, Bachelor's thesis defence and an oral exam. The written exam consists of a large number of test problems in physics. Two questions relating to two topics (physics and astrophysics) will be assigned during the oral exam. The written and oral exams examine the students' knowledge in physics and astrophysics. The questions for the oral exam are available at
After completion of the Bachelor's studies, it is possible to continue with further studies in any Master's degree programme (after satisfying the admission requirements). At the Faculty of Science students can apply for admission to a follow-up Master's degree in Theoretical Physics, a branch of astrophysics.

Field of study specifications

Field of Study: Astrophysics
Abbreviation: ASTR
Code: 1701R001
Type: Bachelor's degree programme
Degree: Bc.
Accreditation: to 31/12/2024
Programme: B1701 B-FY Physics
Faculty of Science
Field of study guaranteed by:
Faculty of Science
Field guarantor:
prof. Mgr. Jiří Krtička, Ph.D.