Social Geography and Regional Development – Field of study catalogue MU
Social Geography and Regional Development“Increase your Ego, study with us Geo” |
After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:
- communicate with representatives of public administration and nonprofit organizations
- use knowledge and abilities in cartography, data analysis, demography, sociology, and related branches
- work with databases
- analyse particular geographically relevant processes (migration, commuting, structural economic changes, social structure changes, European integration process, and others)
- choose appropriate research methods
- know the principles of the European regional policy, its methods and priorities
- interpret the political development in the world and analyse the regional political conflicts
- apply knowledge of contemporary methods of social geographical research
Other recommended elective courses contribute to the extension of the given scientific knowledge and assist students in their preparation of the Master's theses. The students should earn a minimum of 39 credits for these courses.
The remaining 18 credits can be earned in any optional courses offered in the study plan of the given degree programme, or in other courses offered in other study programmes.
During the course of their studies students should follow the Course Catalogue of Geography for the given matriculation year. They can access the Course Catalogues of other programmes or faculties through the faculty/University web pages.
The oral part of the Master's state examination consists of individual courses - divided into required courses (General Regional and Human Geography),selective courses (Geographical Aspects of Public Administration and Regional Development, Regional Geography of Europe and European Integration), and elective courses (World Regional Geography, Applied Human and Regional Geography). Students always choose from those offered by the Department of Geography. For each of these courses the basic specific areas for examinations are given on the website.
In the Master's theses students show their ability to solve professional problems, including working with literature, apply knowledge of basic research, field and computer methods, elaborate and interpret results, and present them. Topics of the Master's theses are published by the Department of Geography on the basis of staff proposals - they are currently available in the Information System of MU. The students choose the topic from this offer, but they have also the possibility to suggest their own topics to the potential supervisors. The content and form of the Master's thesis are determined by particular supervisors. The final evaluation of the Master's thesis has the form of a public discussion.
Basic thematic areas and further detailed information on graduation requirements can be found on the web pages of the Department of Geography: