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Statistics and Data Analysis

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The Bachelor's degree programme of Statistics and Data Analysis is intended for students who are interested in mathematical-statistical methods of bulk data analysis and their applications in other areas using computer technology. Students are introduced to the principles of relevant mathematical and statistical methods essential for solving particular real life problems. The aim of the studies is to offer an overview of the basic mathematical-statistical and computer science branches employed for data analysis and processing. The second aim is to provide the students with basic skills necessary for the statistical analysis and computer processing of data files that are employed in various areas of human activities.

The goal of the Bachelor's degree programme is to provide the students with real education focusing on applied mathematics and prepare them for the follow-up studies in the Master's degree programmes.


After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:

  • master the basic knowledge of theory and methodology of mathematical statistics, numerical mathematics, and other mathematical branches
  • implement theoretical and practical knowledge of mathematical statistics and numerical mathematics in the selected programming languages (R, MATLAB, STATISTICA, and SAS)
  • select appropriate mathematical and statistical procedures and models for the analysis of real data
  • interpret and assess data on the basis of obtained theoretical and practical knowledge, and identify hidden connections and relations between phenomena

The graduates obtain a good overview of the modern methods used in the analysis of bulk data, especially parametric and non-parametric statistical methods and spectral methods, and will be able to choose appropriate statistical and analytical tools for solving investigated problems. They will be able to modify and develop these methods, create the corresponding software, and analyse the information contained in the data files of various types. The graduates will find employment in research and educational institutions, financial, banking, insurance companies, public administration bodies, in production and business areas, in services and bodies cooperating with the European Union in solving interdisciplinary problems, especially in the areas of economics, banking, insurance, biometrics, environment, and other natural scientific and technical branches. The graduates will be able to teach statistics at universities. Some graduates will continue in the tertiary education (doctoral studies leading to the doctoral degree) in the degree programmes of statistics or related branches. The obtained training in the study programme of Statistics and Data Analysis is so universal that the graduates will be ready to adapt to various activities.


The final state examination consists of the defence of the Bachelor's thesis and the oral examination.

Characteristics of the Bachelor's thesis and its defence

In the Bachelor's thesis students show the knowledge of the topic of the thesis and the ability to work under supervision. In the defence of the Bachelor's thesis the understanding of the topic and the quality of presentation are evaluated.

Characteristics of the oral examination

The purpose of the oral examination is to verify that the graduate is able to discuss expert problems at a certain professional level. The aim of the oral examination is not to repeat the examinations in individual subjects or test a detailed knowledge of theory and proofs. The purpose is to demonstrate a general overview of the basic concepts and results from various disciplines and the broader connections between them.


The graduates can progress to the studies in Bachelor's or Master's degree programmes of different branches at Masaryk University (e.g. economics, sociology, psychology, biology, and others).


Field of study specifications

Field of Study: Statistics and Data Analysis
Abbreviation: STAT
Code: 1101R031
Type: Bachelor's degree programme
Degree: Bc.
Accreditation: to 31/12/2024
Programme: B1101 B-MA Mathematics
Faculty of Science
Field of study guaranteed by:
Faculty of Science
Field guarantor:
doc. PaedDr. RNDr. Stanislav Katina, Ph.D.