Applied Mathematics for Multi-Branches Study

Using mathematics for real life!

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The Master's studies in this study programme will focus on mastering deeper applied mathematical knowledge important for other disciplines. The aim of the studies is to educate graduates with a broad general mathematical basis, focusing on the application of this mathematical basis in another discipline. The graduates will find employment in the interdisciplinary institutions.

After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:

  • have knowledge of mathematical methods and procedures in their interdependence
  • use mathematical knowledge in another study programme
  • solve problems in the given area independently
The graduates of the Master's degree programme of Applied Mathematics will obtain a very good general knowledge of mathematical disciplines and a deep knowledge of applied mathematics. Thus, the graduates will be prepared to solve problems independently and in a complex way - proposing a suitable mathematical model and its testing including the algorithm development and computer implementation.
The rules and conditions of study plans:

To obtain a university education in the Master's degree programme of Mathematics in the study programme of Applied Mathematics for Multi-Branches Study each student must:

1. earn at least 60 credits for required, selective, and elective courses. If students have chosen a thesis in mathematics, they must earn, in the course of their studies, at least 15 credits for selective courses excluding credits for the thesis in mathematics. If students have chosen a thesis in the second study programme, they must earn 26 credits for selective courses during the whole period of studies;

2. enrol in and successfully complete all required courses respecting their established continuity;

3. if students have chosen a thesis in mathematics, they must earn all the credits for the thesis. Each of the subjects of the Master's thesis 1 and 2 is worth 5 credits, and each of the subjects of the Master's thesis 3 and 4 is worth 10 credits. The students are required to choose a thesis topic by the end of the third week of the first semester;

4. earn a minimum number of credits in other blocks under Article 2, Paragraph 4 of The Training and Creation of Study Plan, especially 2 credits for language training;

5. earn, for completing the selective courses, thesis in mathematics, and recommended and elective courses in the wider mathematical base, at least 45 credits - these are the courses taught at the Faculty of Science whose codes begin with the letter M, excluding the codes beginning with the triad of MBT, MBP, or MBK; and

6. successfully complete all the components of the final state examination.

The final state examination consists of two parts: of the defence of the Master's thesis in mathematics and the oral examination.

Characteristics of the Master's thesis and its defence

By processing the thesis students demonstrate an orientation in the area of the theme of the thesis and the ability to work under supervision. In the course of the defence of the thesis, the understanding of the topic and the level of presentation are evaluated.

Characteristics of the oral examination

The purpose of the examination is to verify that the graduates are able to lead a discussion at a certain level of expertise. The aim of the oral examination is not to repeat the examinations in individual subjects and check the detailed knowledge of theory and proofs. The idea is to establish a general overview of the basic concepts and results from various disciplines and the broader links between them.

Oral examination

The students will be asked two questions. The first question will be from a common group of questions A, and the second will be one of the optional groups of questions B or C (depending on the decision of the student).

The graduates of the Master's degree programme may (after meeting the admission requirements) continue in any subsequent doctoral degree programme. At the Faculty of Science they can apply for admission to a follow-up doctoral degree programmes of Probability, Statistics and Mathematical Modelling and General Problems of Mathematics.

Field of study specifications

Field of Study: Applied Mathematics for Multi-Branches Study
Abbreviation: AMV
Code: 1103T037
Type: master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one)
Degree: Mgr.
Accreditation: to 31/12/2024
Programme: N1101 N-MA Mathematics
Faculty of Science
Field of study guaranteed by:
Faculty of Science
Field guarantor:
prof. RNDr. Jan Paseka, CSc.

Additional information on Master's studies at the Department of Mathematics and Statistics: