Scandinavian Studies – Field of study catalogue MU
Scandinavian Studies“Scandinavian experience.” |
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Follow-up present master study programme "Scandninavian studies" objectives are:
- language competence in Swedish level C1/C2
- overview and critical analyzis of cultural and society situation in Sweden and Scandinavia
- practical applications through the creation of e-learning cources (ELF)
- the main value in our policy is to effort the personality of the students, and his/her talents.
After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:
- active and passive language proficiency in Swedish
- passive language proficiency in Norwegian and other Scandinavian languages
- creation of texts in Swedish
- specialization in Scandinavian areal studies with bright scala of the topics
Professional options for the graduates can be in jobs with special interest for Scandinavian topics (history, literature, art, society). The master degree program is oriented so that after completing their studies graduates are qualified as translator, interpreter, tourist quide, language courses teacher.
The standard duration of the studium is 2 years, the last semester focusing on diploma thesis writing. The structure of study programme curriculum is built up so that the courses strengthen the professional specialization as well as the individual development of student personality.
Practical training has two forms. First inside Faculty of Arts (choir, theatre group, ELF courses creation, other cooperation with the bachelor students) and outside MU.
Graduation requirements set out the number of credits according to faculty guidelines, delivering of master diploma thesis, final state examination "Scandinavian studies" - writing and oral.
Continuing studies is free. It is possible to apply at other departments at MU, but not at the original department.