Medical Genetics and Molecular Diagnostics – Field of study catalogue MU
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Newly accredited study programmes with plans.
Medical Genetics and Molecular Diagnostics“Genetics for medicine” |
This is a professionally-oriented Bachelor's and following Master's interfaculty study programme that is taught at the Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Medicine of Masaryk University. The programme is aimed at meeting a growing demand of all the range of workplaces (especially genetic, microbiology and biochemical laboratories of the health care institutions) for specialists proficient in modern methods of medical genetics and molecular biology, and at the same time having practical skills in applying those methods in health care. Therefore, the purpose of this study programme is to provide both excellent theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the branch of medical genetics and molecular biology.
After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:
- show deep theoretical knowledge of medical sciences, medical genetics and molecular biology
- show practical skills of performing basic but also highly specialized genetic and molecular biological analyses in health care laboratories
- show the knowledge of basic methods of molecular biology and operating machines mostly used in genetic and molecular biology laboratories
- perform basic and higly specialized genetic and molecular biology examinations in medical laboratories
Graduates of this programme can perform basic analyses in laboratories concerned with genetics, cytogenetics and DNA diagnostics. At these laboratories, graduates can use their theoretical and practical skills in genetic counselling of patients and their close relatives, or molecular biology diagnostics of organisms, pathological stages of cells and genomes.
The standard duration of studies is six semesters. To be admitted to the final state examination, students must obtain a total of 180 ECTS credits for required, selective and elective courses. Required courses constitute the basis of the discipline and make up 160 credits (including credits for courses focused on writing a Bachelor’s thesis). Students choose optional courses according to their interests and intended professional specialization.
During the course of their studies, students should follow the Course Catalogue for their year of matriculation. They can access the Course Catalogues through the faculty website.
The final state examination consists of a Bachelor's thesis defence and a written Bachelor's examination. Instructions about the final examination are on OGMB website
Themes of Bachelor's theses are assigned in areas of biomedicine, and students select them mostly after the fourth semester from those on offer or according to their own interest, after a consultation with their supervisors.
A Bachelor's thesis has a character of literal research.
The instructions about its structure and length are on OGMB website
Graduates will be able to continue their studies in any follow-up Master's study programme (after satisfying the admission requirements).
Students of either field of biology are well educated to continue in an appropriate field of a Master's study programme. For admission purposes, applicants have to specify whether they wish to study Cellular and Molecular Diagnostics for Researchers, Biology for Teachers (teacher training) or Biology.