Business Informatics – Field of study catalogue MU
Business Informatics“Linking the worlds of business and informatics” |
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The goal of the study programme is to provide students with knowledge from two fields: business management and applied informatics (i.e. business informatics). This programme further develops knowledge obtained from the Bachelor’s degree study programme, with more focus on the theoretical part of business informatics, resulting in a deeper understanding of context and relationships within the field. With this deeper theoretical insight, students will be able to benefit longer from the knowledge they gain, as theoretical knowledge is not as heavily dependent on the newest technological developments in the field as practical knowledge. The programme courses can be divided into three groups. The first group covers the main aspects of processes in enterprises and corresponds with the business management field. The second group represents the field of applied informatics, covering the knowledge focused on IS/ICT and their functionality, benefits, development, and implementation. The third group integrates both fields and thus constitutes the core of the programme.
After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:
- understand the economic aspects of IS/ICT and of the development process of IS/ICT, and understand the impact of IS/ICT on organization performance
- choose a suitable ICT to support the strategic goals of an organization
- design and change business processes and organizational structure and accordingly manage and modify the business information system
Graduates can be employed as: analysts and consultants for IS/ICT in consulting companies, (pre)sales consultants of IS/ICT products and services in ICT providers, candidates for Chief Information Officer (CIO) positions in medium and large enterprises responsible for IS/ICT efficiency and effectivity, and applied and theoretical researchers in the IS/ICT field.
The standard duration of studies is four semesters. For admittance to the final state examination, students must earn a total of 120 ECTS credits for type A/required, type B/selective, and type C/elective courses. Type A/required courses constitute the basis of the discipline and their share is the largest part of credits (including credits for courses focused on writing a Master’s thesis). Students choose type B/selective courses according to their interests and intended professional specialization. The remaining credits can be earned from type C/elective courses offered in the curriculum of the given study programme or from other courses offered by any other study programme. The total minimum number of credits is defined by the study and examination regulations of Masaryk University, the guidance note about the general study requirements, and the current study catalogue. Students can access the study catalogues through the faculty website:
The final state examination in the Business Informatics study programme is oral and has four parts:
- Thesis defence
- Examination in Economics
- Examination in Business Management
- Examination in Business Informatics
More information about graduation requirements can be found on the department website:
After completing the Master’s degree study programme, it is possible to continue further studies in the doctoral degree study programme of Business Economy and Management (after satisfying the admission requirements):