Bioanalyst - Specialist in Laboratory Methods

To serve with love and provide accurate results as soon as possible, thereby enabling the patients to receive a timely treatment.

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The follow-up two-year Master’s degree programme of Bioanalytics – Specialist in Laboratory Methods prepares university graduates who are experts in medical laboratory branches like Clinical Biochemistry, Clinical Haematology, Immune-Haematology and Blood Transfusion Service, Medical Microbiology, Medical Immunology, Medical Genetics, and Pathological Anatomy pursuant to the Regulation 39/2004. The graduates will be prepared to apply their knowledge to solving expert problems in their future jobs in different types of medical laboratories.

After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:

  • perform the specialized laboratory examinations and screenings
  • introduce new analytical methods including their optimization for the purpose of internal quality checks and inter-laboratory comparison
  • participate in the data evaluation both for economic purposes and research activities assessment of the given laboratory
  • understand the accreditation processes of clinical laboratories with respect to national standards and requirement of the ISO norms of ISO 9001:2008 and 15189:2013
  • implement in their work the principles of the good laboratory practice (GLP)
The graduates of the Master’s degree programme of Bioanalytics – Specialist in Laboratory Methods are qualified for work in a particular regulated profession - in clinical laboratories of different hospital types (in accordance with the national legislation - Act No.96/2004 Coll., Section 26). Therefore this follow-up Master's degree programme obtained the accreditation of the Czech Ministry of Health.

Moreover, graduates can solve independently some problems of research projects in the areas of biochemistry, biotechnology, cell biology, clinical biochemistry, environment, and other branches. They can work in laboratories of research departments and universities, or clinical and inspection laboratories in healthcare, veterinary research, pharmaceutical companies, and in the branches of industry dealing with biochemical technology. Some graduates can continue in the doctoral degree programmes. Having obtained knowledge in economics and marketing the graduates can also work as sales representatives in pharmaceutical and biotechnological companies.

The standard duration of the Master’s degree programme is four semesters. To be admitted to the final state examination students must earn a total of 120 ECTS credits for required, selective, and elective courses. Due to the special characteristics of this study programme that was strictly created according to the Regulation No. 39/2004 Coll., the students have to enrol in all required and selective courses according to the recommended Course Catalogue in the recommended semesters. Basic required and selective courses comprise also the advanced biochemical and biological disciplines, and make up 104 credits (including credits for study programme courses and Master's thesis courses). The remaining 16 credits can be earned in elective courses offered in the study plan of the given study programme or in other courses offered by other study programmes.

For all students there is an obligation to pass the examination in English language at the B2 level in case they did not pass it during their Bachelor’s studies.

Practical supervised training is an obligatory part of the study plan of this study programme. It consists of three independent parts in the duration of two weeks each. Practical training supplements the practical education in these branches: Clinical Biochemistry, Clinical Haematology, Immune -Haematology and Blood Transfusion Service, Medical Microbiology, Medical Immunology, Medical Genetics, and Pathological Anatomy. The students will obtain the basic information about the organization and documentation of the given laboratory units, and perform the selected tasks and measurements.

The practical training will be organized in the University Hospital Brno (Clinical Biochemistry, Clinical Haematology, Immune - Haematology and Blood Transfusion Service, Medical Genetics, and Pathological anatomy), and in the St. Anne's University Hospital Brno (Medical Microbiology and Medical Immunology).

Studies are completed with the final state examination which consists of two separately evaluated parts. The first part of the final state examination is the defence of the Master’s thesis, and the second part is the oral examination. The oral examination consists of topics from three different subjects – Bioanalytical Methods, Laboratory Instrumental and Analytical Techniques, and Laboratory Diagnostics – Clinical Biochemistry and Haematology. The examination tests the students' advanced knowledge of these biomedical disciplines.

More information about graduation requirements can be found on the department's web pages: (the pages are only in Czech).

The graduates, after completion of the Mater's degree courses, can continue in follow-up doctoral degree courses in any doctoral degree programme (after satisfying the admission requirements), especially in the branch of Biochemistry - Biochemistry, Biomolecular Chemistry or Genomics and Proteomics (a new doctoral programme of Bioanalytical Chemistry is being prepared), or Analytical Chemistry and Molecular Biology.

Field of study specifications

Field of Study: Bioanalyst - Specialist in Laboratory Methods
Abbreviation: BIAN
Code: 1406T013
Type: master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one)
Degree: Mgr.
Accreditation: to 31/12/2024
Programme: N1406 N-BCH Biochemistry
Faculty of Science
Field of study guaranteed by:
Faculty of Science
Field guarantor:
prof. RNDr. Zdeněk Glatz, CSc.