Culture Studies of China – Field of study catalogue MU
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Newly accredited study programmes with plans.
Culture Studies of China |
The Master’s degree study programme in Culture Studies of China focuses on the political history and cultural anthropology of China from the late Empire to the present. It is focused on research of both traditional and modern China, in particular on the meaning of tradition for modern society. Students should know that if they wish to comprehend contemporary China, they ought to understand its cultural, historical, and social background.
The programme has three basic objectives: 1) to further develop the knowledge about traditional and modern Chinese culture acquired during the Bachelor’s degree study programme through participation in seminars, where students carry out individual research; 2) to solidly acquire primary methodological skills and apply them in research in the field of humanities, appropriately applying the selected method to the research of particular cultural and social phenomena; and 3) to continue language training with the goal of an excellent command of Chinese at the B-2 level, SERR (HSK 6).
After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:
- achieve an advanced knowledge of Chinese culture and understand its singular components in the overall social and cultural context
- carry out independent research in line with current academic standards
- understand the main methodological approaches used in humanities and apply them in research
- use Chinese at an excellent level, in research or in any practical tasks
The graduates may find career opportunities as coordinators of Czech-Chinese projects, in foreign trade or diplomacy, as teachers at lower educational institutions and language schools, and as translators and interpreters.
The standard duration of study is four semesters, often extended by one or two semesters abroad.
For admittance to the final state examination, students must earn the prescribed number of ECTS credits in the type A/required, type B/selective, and type C/elective courses.
During the course of their studies, students should follow the study catalogue valid for their year of matriculation. The study catalogues for the individual years of matriculation are available at the Faculty of Arts website.
In order to graduate, students have to pass the final state examination and demonstrate their abilities.
The examination consists of a PPS presentation and the defence of the student’s thesis, as well as the oral exam. The latter falls in distinct disciplines (as with the Bachelor’s degree study programme) and is based on mandatory readings of relevant scholarly works.
After completion of the Master’s degree study programme, it is possible to continue in a relevant doctoral degree study programme (after satisfying the admission requirements).