Social Education (Eng.) – Field of study catalogue MU
Social Education (Eng.)“Via knowledge to humanity” |
This preparation is supported by compulsory methodology subjects and disciplines focused on new findings in basic pedagogical disciplines. The compulsory subjects enable the students to specialize according to their individual specialization as well as their dissertation thesis topic.
After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:
- Master deep knowledge of the basic disciplines related to the field of study and discuss it in academic discourse with the expert public
- Outline and realize a pedagogic and socially pedagogic survey, evaluate its findings
- Master particular methodologies of a specific issue research
- Discuss the latest academic findings with students in seminars
- Display the findings of a survey with the academic public through studies published in acknowledged magazines, in the form of e.g. a monograph or presentation at a local or international conference
- Cooperate with the experts of other academic departments in the national and international spheres
The objective of the programme is to prepare students for academic work in the field of social education, i.e. to provide them with academic preparation of high quality, which is based on the tradition of local and international research, both theoretical and empirical.
Education as a Science of the Reality of Education
Philosophy of Education
Research Methodology
Quantitative and Qualitative Methods of Educational Research
The study specialization consists of required and selective disciplines, which form the basics of the field of study. The required part contains:
Social Education – with an emphasis on knowledge of social and social education theories
Applied Social Education – enables the graduate to understand the causes of social behaviour, communication and interaction.
Social Education Methodology – enables the graduate to master the particular strategies, methods and techniques which are specific for learning about social pathology issues.
The selective part (the student chooses one discipline out of the list offered) enables the student to specialize in topics related to their dissertation thesis.
Leisure Time Education – theory and methodology of research
Multicultural Education - theory and methodology of research
Social Pathology - theory and methodology of research
The system of continuous supervision of the dissertation and the system providing improvement of skills and knowledge of the chosen topic is provided by these subjects:
Preparation of the Dissertation
Professional Orientation in the Field of Study
The basic programme also contains a foreign language specialization, with an emphasis on knowledge of two foreign languages and is provided by the subjects:
Foreign Language 1 for academic purposes
Foreign Language 2 for academic purposes
Entry levels are B2 (foreign language 1) and B1 (foreign language 2) according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
Publication of 4 of the student's own articles, out of which 2 are published in a magazine ranked in databases: WOS ISI, SCOPUS, ERIH or in a magazine recognized by The List of Reviewed and Non-impacted Periodicals Published in the Czech Republic).
Two active participations in local conferences, two active participations in conferences abroad, or educational stays (1 week minimum for each).
Proven knowledge of 2 foreign languages for academic purposes
Social Education work (tutorial activity) at a primary/secondary school/university or in another institution related to the field of study (approximately 2-4 lessons a week).
The applicants must:
- prepare an outline of the topic and project of the dissertation thesis together with a reference of the chosen supervisor
- present a list of published and non-published work dealing with the field of study of Education or Social Education.
- pass an entrance examination, which includes the defence of the dissertation thesis project, oral examination of Education and one foreign language (English, German, French or Russian)
The anticipated number of accepted applicants is approximately 1 – 3 for every academic year. It depends on the applicants' quality, supervisors' capacity, current number of research projects at the department, etc.