Didactics of Geography

Geography is more than merely a science, it is a lifestyle.

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The objective of the field of study is to provide graduates with Master's degrees, researchers and experts in the decision sphere with high quality scientific preparation based on the traditions and current state of both Czech and foreign theoretical and empirical knowledge in the area of geographical education, which will prove relevant for the needs of both theory and practice. The content of the field of study conceptually and systematically reacts to the priorities of the educational policy of the Czech Republic and the European Union, whose main goal is to implement the knowledge gained by contemporary science into the practical lives of individuals and society.

After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:

  • comfortably demonstrate knowledge of the area of educational theories
  • apply the knowledge and skills from geographical disciplines and from the methodology of geographical research
  • project and realise field, didactic, pedagogical, and pedagogic and psychological research according to the nature of the researched subject and critically evaluate the results
  • use and popularize the outcomes of one’s research across the scientific community
  • cooperate with experts from other domestic and foreign institutions
  • analyze and interpret the theory of schooling, theory of curriculum and theory of education and apply them in solving specific problems of geographical education
  • be qualified to understand the complex issues of acquisition of current geographical knowledge
A graduate of doctoral studies in the field of Didactics of geography is a highly qualified expert, who possesses competences in the area of didactical geography based on the current state of knowledge in the field, in pedagogy and psychology and the needs of teaching in a given educational stage. He or she is also an erudite teacher of geography able to mediate critical attributes of geographical science via modern forms of education and to integrate knowledge gained by natural and social sciences. Depending on the focus of the specific research, he or she might become an advisor for issues of geographical education at the National Institute for Education and the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports.
The standard period of study is eight months. The subjects of the programme are arranged into four blocks, with a focus on the synthetic and integrated nature of the field of study. The relative importance of the individual courses is expressed through their division into required and elective courses and via the number of credits attached to each course.

During the studies, a student can choose from selective and elective courses in accordance with the focus of his or her dissertational project so that the required total amount of credits, 240, is reached.

The study progamme is based on an individual study plan (ISP), which is prepared by the student in consultation with his or her supervisor. The ISP includes a timetable of when the student expects to pass individual courses, which is arranged so that the credit duty defined by the Study and Examination Regulations of Masaryk University is fulfilled. Another part of the ISP is a detailed schedule of the expected progress of realization of the dissertational research and of preparation of the student's dissertational thesis.

Educational activity will take place at a primary/lower secondary school, an upper secondary school, or at a university. (Approximately 2-4 hours a week.)
The Doctoral State Examination (DSE) consists of an oral exam and defence of the dissertational thesis.

The doctoral student must prove his or her professional orientation and the ability to do independent creative work in the field. The process of the DSE and defence of dissertational thesis is subject to rules set forth in the Study and Examination Regulations of Masaryk University, which can be accessed online at: http://www.muni.cz/general/legal_standards/study_examination_regulations (Catch Five, articles 30-33).

During the Doctoral State Examination, three areas of knowledge of the student are examined: 1) the knowledge of and orientation in pedagogy, psychology and geography, 2) the knowledge of the scientific field Didactics of geography and of its methodology, 3) special knowledge from areas relevant to the dissertational thesis of the given student.

Thematic areas of the examination are derived from the contents of the following courses:

1. School pedagogy, Pedagogical psychology, Complex geography, Applied geography and Geo-informational and cartographic tools in geographical education.

2. Didactics of geography and current trends in geographical education, Methodology of research in didactics of geography and the International dimension of geographical education, Curricular studies.

3. Topics are derived from the content of elective courses taken by the student.


Field of study specifications

Field of Study: Didactics of Geography
Abbreviation: DIGE
Code: 7507V107
Type: doctoral degree programme
Degree: Ph.D.
Accreditation: to 31/12/2024
Programme: P7537 D-SPE4 Specialization in Pedagogy (4-years)
Faculty of Education
Field of study guaranteed by:
Faculty of Education
Field guarantor:
doc. PaedDr. Eduard Hofmann, CSc.

Further information can also be found at: http://katedry.ped.muni.cz/geografie/en